𝐖𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐥𝐞-𝐷𝑢𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑛 ☆𝟰

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"What's up, Y/n?" Dustin waved at me before walking away with his friends, Alex and Brandt.
-"Hey, Ale-" Anna was cut off by Maya speaking.
-"Why are you still talking to him after what he said about me and Anna." Maya rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"Well, I'm sorry, but I actually enjoy talking to him." I sigh.
-"So let me do my thing. You guys never want me to talk about boys when you guys do that all the time..So let me be a fan girl over him like you're a fan girl for Brandt." I say, making her scoff.

"Okay..I wasn't 'fan-girling' over him." She rolled her eyes.
-"Yeah, you were."
-"No I wasn't."
-"Maya, you were.." Anna shrugged, making Maya scoff and walk away.

"I think you should just date him." Anna smiled.
-"Thank you, Anna." I sigh happily, knowing that she actually respected my decision.

"I don't know if he likes me back though."
-"I think he does. I've seen him stare at you at lunch." She raised her eyebrows up and down with a smirk on her face.

"Nah, I don't think he was looking at me." I shook my head slightly as someone ran past us, throwing a rose at me.

"What the fawk?" I mumbled and picked up the rose.
-"Probably from Dustin." Anna laughed.

"It's just a rose. It doesn't mean anything..And why would Dustin get me a rose?" I asked, making her shrug.

"He loves you."
-"Okay, keep dreaming." I roll my eyes and we made our way to class.

"Dustin Long?" The teacher called attendance.
-"He isn't here." Someone said.

"Okay, absent."
-"Nah, wait! I'm here.." Dustin came into the room, breathing tiredly.

"Okay..You're late."
-"Yeah, my fault, I was busy with something."
-"Right, I need a tardy slip."

-"Yes, seriously."
-"Alright." He rolled his eyes and left the classroom, making Anna laugh.

"Why are you laughing?" I asked.
-"it's just, like, so funny because he likes you and you don't know that." She snorted making me laugh.
-"No he doesn't, stop saying that."

"He does though." She sighed.

"Anna Kone?"

"Maya Ishii-Peters?"
-"Present." She sighed.

"What's up with her?" I asked.
-"She's in a mood because I won't talk to her." Anna rolled her eyes.

"Y/n L/n?"
-"'here'" Brandt mocked me, making the class laugh.

"Brandt, shut the fuck up." I turn to look at him as Alex gave him a side-eye, looking at him like he was crazy. And he is crazy.

"What are you gonna do?" He shrugged.
-"I'm gonna beat your ass. You really don't want anyone mentioning your dad again, right? 'Cause I will find someone who doesn't have a heart to bring up your Dad. Or I'll do it, 'cause I have to balls to break your heart again."
-"Very funny, Y/n. I honestly don't care." He rolled his eyes.

"You look gay." I laugh.
-"Bitch, You're gay." He glared at me.
-"Says the gay one. I always knew there was something off about you."
-"Bro, shut the fuck up."
-"Why are you telling me to shut the fuck up when you can't even shut up yourself? You're always wanting to cause problems and get into people's business when you have no reason to."

"Y/n and Brandt, please exit my classroom." The teacher said, making me scoff.
-"It wasn't even my fault."
-"I didn't even do anything." Brandt said.

"It was Brandt." Anna shrugged.
-"definitely Brandt." Maya rolled her eyes.
-"No it wasn't."

"Stop acting like a child."
-"both of you stop acting like children and exit my classroom!" He yelled as we both stood up and left the classroom.

Once I exited the classroom I sat on the floor while Brandt sat farther away from me.

"You talk so damn much." I mumbled, making him roll his eyes.

"Do you ever take off that fucking jacket?" He asked.
-"Why do you care? It's none of your business." I shrug.
-"I'm asking."

"Take it off."
-"no, you pervert." I laugh.

"I'm not a pervert." He chuckled.
-"You sound and look like one."
-"You're just being dramatic." He said and pulled onto my jacket.

"Bro, don't touch me." I say and pull my arm, making him fall forward and pulling onto my jacket even harder, revealing my arm.

"Get your filthy hands off me, you prick!" I push him off me, making me fall to the ground.
-"Don't fucking call me that." He continued to pull onto my jacket.

"Stop harassing me!" I push him to the ground as he was able to remove my jacket.

He looked at her arms in confusion before I tackled him to the ground, making him groan.
(She needs to join football, fr)

"You asshole" I snatch my jacket from him.
-"I saw your scars." He sighed.

"You didn't see anything, you're being a delusional freak." I zip up my jacket.
-"I saw them.." he sat up.
(Did this turn into a Brandt imagine, LMFAO💀)

"What the fuck?" Dustin laughed as he saw us on the floor.
-"What are y'all doing outside the classroom?" He asked.

"Brandt got us in trouble." I roll my eyes.
-"No I didn't."
-"He did."

"So are y'all just gonna chill outside the classroom?"
-"I mean, I guess so."
-"Bet." he said and sat next to me while Brandt leaned against the lockers.

"Y'all are so boring." I sigh.
-"I feel offended." Dustin laughed.
(Yk I was joking, pookie!)

"You should be."
-"Why you having an attitude with me?" He asked.

"I don't have an attitude." I shrug.
-"Brandt just pisses me off." I added.

"Damn, what did he do?"
-"Got me in trouble." I shrug.

"Brandt, chill out.! You have Maya wrapped around your finger, leave her alone." Dustin laughed.
-"I don't want either of them." He rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"I mean, last time I checked, you wanted a handjob from Maya." He shrugged.
-"Bro, no I didnt."
-"Right." Dustin smirked while looking at me, giving me a look saying, "he's lying".

"Y'all are annoying." Brandt shook his head slightly.

A/n- imma make another chapter soon. This is basically abt Y/n and Brandt throwing hands😪

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