11. love or lust??

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Yn pov :
Watching the t.v while eating popcorn I started feeling a little sleepy. But I tried not to sleep as I wanted to talk to Jungkook .
I hear the jiggling of keys behind the door so I dash towards it . The door opened to reveal a tired looking jungkook.

" You didn't sleep yet ? " he asks while closing the door.
I hug him tightly..... God!  I missed him sooo much
" no, I wasn't sleepy "

He hums against the crook of my neck and place a soft kiss on my lips . Then he kisses me again , gently. This is what I was afraid of..........it always starts off gentle at first but later............

I push him away " I want to talk about something " I say while going towards the couch.

He follows me and sits beside me
" Fine go on " he sighs removing his watch .
" i- uh - I've been meaning to tell you - that - uh " I can't form a goddamn sentence because I don't know how to put it together!  I practiced it all but still manage to fuck up !

" we can always talk later baby..... " he says coming closer while kissing my collar bone . His hand roaming all over my body.

" fuck ! I can't keep my hands off you "
He groan in my ear . I try to push him away by slaping his chest lightly but he catches my hands in his .
" wait- I wanted to- " he shuts me up with an aggressive kiss. He picks me up and starts walking towards the bedroom. I don't like where this is going.

He kicks the door open and throws me on the bed . I crawl up to the head board but he grabs me by my feet and pulls me down and begins undressing me. " Stop....I don't want it " I whisper as he keeps kissing and biting my clothed breasts. I gather all my strength and push him away
" I said I don't fucking want it !! " I scream at him .

" wha- what ? " he asks looking confused
" I said I don't want you to fuck me right now " I repeat . He looks taken aback
" You don't like it ? " he asks hurt written oh his face .
" what?"
" You don't like to have sex with me ?" He asks again.
I go closer to him and hold his face in my hand
" no ! It's not like that !"
" THEN WHAT IS IT !!! " he suddenly screams at me . I flinch and and back out due to the sudden change.
" is it because you're fucking another man behind my back ?  Huh? " he grabs my hair making me look tired him
" no it's not-" he grip tightens
" does he fuck better than me ?? " his nostrils flaring with anger and dead eyes looking intensely into mine
" Stop! It hurts !! " I struggle against his grip. " it is supposed to hurt baby " he says with a smirk.

I have never seen this side on him, ever since we started dating he's been a gentleman, a literal green flag ! He was just a little possessive sometimes but thats it . He was never abusive . He used to love me or was that just lust ??
I once even asked him about his love language and he said it was fucking me 
I blushed that Time but now I realise he doesn't love me at all. It all maybe was just a facade

He grips my cheeks hard and brings my face closer to his " Go get my belt from my closet " he whispers in my ear sending shivers down my face . I look at him taken aback "  what- you"
" I didn't Tell you talk baby, go get the belt " he let's me go and i take this as a chance to make my run. I dash towards the door but he's too fast...... he grabs me by my waist and slams me on the floor. I yelp due to the impact .

He comes closer and makes me stand . His finger go up to my chin making me look at him . His eyes...... don't look the way they used to...... his eyes used to be full of love for me.... but now all I see are his dead pupils waiting to swallow me .

He suddenly slaps me hard. I fall on the ground due to the impact my cheeks burning , I taste blood in my mouth and the worst pain of all........ is in my heart . He slapped me
I look at him with tears in my eyes .
" Remove your clothes " he says while folding his sleeves

" I won't " I resist
" Do you want me to do it for you ? " he says coming closer . I start removing my clothes while he goes to his closet and brings out a vibrator and a belt. My eyes widen because he never uses toys on me .

I am now left in my undergarments
" Remove those as well " he say pointing on my bra . I Remove my remaining undergarments. Standing fully naked in front of him made me feel unsafe.  He checks me out shamelessly,  his eyes filled with lust . I used to feel butterflies when he checked me out but now all I feel is disgust .

He pushes me on the bed and ties me up . I've stopped resisting now its of no use . He turns on the vibrator and shoves it harshly in my womanhood while giving open mouth kisses on my  neck.  I moan in pain as I'm already sore from last night .
" please don't do this " I beg with tears rolling down my cheeks.

" Shhhh it'll be over soon " he says sucking my breast while playing with the nub of another.
Knock Knock
" Don't move and stay still, I'm going to see who's at the door and when I come back and I find you somewhere else then your punishment will be a lot harsher " I just nod my head
He goes out of the room .

I look at my tied up wrists.... the belt around my hands isn't tight I can slip my hand out of it if I try. Ofcourse I will ! I'm not gonna listen to him . I'll call for help as soon as get free.

I struggle to remove my hands but I eventually did ! I remove the vibrator from my womanhood , wear my clothes and tip toe out of the room.
I've kept my phone in the kitchen and the main door is just in front of the kitchen. That means jungkook is close to the kitchen he can easily get me if he sees me . I try my best to sneak in the kitchen.  I can see jungkook talking to some dude on the door but i waste no time and grab my phone still ducking beneath the counter.

I dial my Mom's number . And it rings and rings and rings but she doesn't pick up . I try again and this time she finally picks up.

" Hello mumma ! I need your help
I'm " I get cutt of when a hand snatches my phone from my hand
" hello ? Yes mom she's just cheating we were playing a game " he lies so effortlessly

Has he lied to me like this as well?

" yes yes don't worry we're fine " saying he hangs up the phone . Throws it on the ground samshing it into pieces .
" Oh dear yn...., why don't you listen to me for once atleast " he says coming closer .

I want to run but my body is frozen due to fear. He grabs me by my hair draging me towards our bedroom.
" Arghhh , let me go  " I groan
He ignores me and throws me on the bed again. He ties me up again but this time try to resist
" the more you resist the harder I fuck you " he says while tying me up tightly.

He Rips my shirt and tears my pants
" please don't do this " I plead again he ignores me again and start kissing my thighs going down to my womanhood.  He kisses the nub and starts licking it . I try to close my legs but he grabs my thighs keeping it open.  He then folds my legs upto my ear . In this position I'm even more vulnerable.  He starts biting on my already sore womanhood as I scream in pain. I feel something trickle down my ass . I look down to see blood he looks up at me with taunting eyes and a smirk.

He comes up to kiss me making me taste my own blood. The weird sour taste making me want to puke . He removes his clothes and levels his cock on my already assaulted, bleeding pussy. " please don't  do this for the sake for our love atleast " I whisper
" love? Huh? Where was this love when you were fucking a other man behind my back, where was this love ? " He says his lust and anger  filled devoid eyes looking into tears filled in mine.

He suddenly slams his cock into me .
I scream in pain and finally started sobbing hard . I can't see anything due to the tears blurring my vision. But I am feel him making hard thrusts I to me . The whole bed shaking due to the Impact. I scream and struggle,  I cuss at him , i beg him but everything of no use . He bites down on my boobs hard
Drawing blood and sucking on it .

He removes a small blade from from the night stand and  makes a small cut on my neck but big enough to make me whimper.  He sucks on the blood he drew. He makes several cuts on my body while still aggressively thrusting into me . I finally stop resisting.  He gave me so much pain that I'm now numb and don't feel anything  at all
I feel my vision go blur and then everything turns dark.

This is not the continuation of other chapters . This is a whole new story .
Also i was think about making yn take her revenge
what do yall think ??

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