He really went all out.

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Hey last part got a vote so here is the next one!

for a change i am not going to ask for a vote this time but post very soon!

still if you like the book please vote on the chapters because it helps the book a lot!


You stand there staring at the closed metal door for several minutes as you attempt to piece together what just happened to lead to this moment. You just lost your temper on a random goggle-clad stranger who was more than intent to fuck you and probably kill you, and your kidney-thief turned kidnapper saved you from getting your head split in two. The thought alone is nightmare inducing, not that your mind needed any further fuel for that.

After that Jack unceremoniously threw you over his shoulder and carried you away to a new prison cell on a new floor of this maze-like building.

Sighing heavily, you turn from the door and scan the bleak room once more. After your brief tour of the hallways, you assume this place must be some kind of a hospital. Knowing that, you appear to have been moved to a room for patients. Too bad you won't be getting any wanted medical treatment in this place. You won't be getting much of anything to be blunt- except maybe tetanus from the rusted cot.

Aside from that bed, this room is just as empty as the last, but now you don't even have your book to try and pass the time. Who would have thought that re-reading the same medical tome over and over could be so entertaining? When your other option is seeing how high you can count before falling asleep, the book seemed like a blessing.

Slowly, your gaze turns to the other door in the room, and deciding that you have nothing better to do anyways, you wander towards it. Once again there is no doorknob. What does he think you're going to do? Lock yourself in the bathroom until you starve to death? He, Jack as you've now learned, would find a way in anyways- you're pretty confident of that.

With yet another heavy sigh, you pull the large door open to reveal you've gotten a bit of an upgrade. Now you not only have a sink and a toilet, but you also have a curtain-less shower stall and a grimy mirror!

"Fancy," you mumble sarcastically. "He really went all out."

You're about to turn back to the main room to run damage control when something sitting in the shower catches your eye. A half-filled plastic bottle of lavender colored substance. It immediately draws you in with curiosity, and upon closer inspection, it appears to be soap!

You look between the bottle and the door with a countenance of disbelief, you're half expecting that asshole to come barging in and take this bottle away. Nothing happens though, and it seems too good to be true, but it's right in front of you. It's yours to use!

Holding back an excited squeal, you slam the bathroom door as closed as it's going to get without a doorknob before quickly stripping out of your clothing. You toss the garments haphazardly to the ground before turning the knob for the faucet, and after one preparatory breath to brace the freezing water you jump under the spray.

Now, you thought you were excited about soap, but apparently it pales in comparison to finding out that this shower has hot water available! Without regard for the fact that a psycho monster is wandering around, you can't help releasing an overly excited squeal. This is the greatest you've felt in who knows how long!

So excited beyond belief, you let the water scald your skin to the point of your flesh turning red as you lather your hair and body with lavender scented body wash. The smell is intoxicating compared to the dust and mildew smell you've grown accustomed to, and you even venture to use some on your discarded clothes to clean them.

Medical Degree (eyeless jack x reader)Where stories live. Discover now