Why am I here?!

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hey! here is the next chapter! 

i will post the next chapter when this one has 1 vote!

thanks for reading!


You release a rage filled snarl, and lunge at Jack with the glass shard. Before you can plunge the glass piece deep within his side, his strong grip catches your wrist. With a bone-crushing grip he skillfully turns you around and firmly wrenches your arm up behind your back until your palm is forced to open and you release your weapon.

"Guess you figured it out." He mutters.

However, his words fall on deaf ears. You cannot begin to fathom his words as your own screaming and onslaught of curse words blocks him out. You have no time to bother listening as you writhe and struggle against his firm hold, ignoring the pain and damage it causes until he starts to shove you forward.

"Let me go! Let me fucking go you sick monster!"

The words pour out of your mouth in a rage as he harshly shoves you into the small bathroom.

"What the fuck are you going to do to me?! Why am I here?!"

Suddenly he pulls your back flush against his chest as he leans his head over your shoulder. The closer proximity makes you freeze as the smallest ounce of clarity returns to your head.

"You want to know what I'm going to do with you?" He questions coolly.

After the words leave his mouth, he roughly shoves you forward into the shower stall. You slam into the wall, palms bracing your impact. Pain shoots through your arm from the large gashes in your hand, and you squeal loudly. You're not given much more time to dwell on the searing pain though as Jack reaches past you to turn on the water in the shower.

Scalding hot water pours down on you in a matter of seconds, and you immediately try to shift away from the stream, but your wrist is captured once again in his rough grip. Your palm is yanked underneath the burning water eliciting a loud and agonized scream from your throat.

While unsuccessfully fighting back tears you struggle to take your hand back, you dig your nails into his wrist, and you pull like crazy until you weakly crumble to your knees as unrestrained tears pour down your cheeks to mix with the water. Loud sobs and cries shake your body as you continue to weakly struggle from the ground.

"Shut up!"

You instantly freeze, wet hair clinging to your horrified looking face.

"You want to know what I'm going to do with you?"

He repeats the question from before in a darkly animalistic growl. The tone strikes fear in you, far more potent than anything you've felt before. Despite the boiling temperature of the water raining down on you, your body shivers in a coldly rigid fear.

"I'm going to do whatever the fuck I want to you, (y/n)."

With his free hand he suddenly tears his mask away, and it noisily clatters on the tile floor as he throws it to the ground. While you've seen his face before, there's truly nothing that can prepare a person for such a visage of nightmares. Void-like depths streaking black fluid down smoke-gray cheeks before meeting a viciously sharp snarl.

"You're mine."

He slowly drags you onto your feet, locking his eyeless sockets with your own frightened (e/c) orbs in a play for dominance.

"Mine to play with. Mine to break. And if I choose to, mine to eat."

Without warning, he uses the grip on your wrist to yank you closer. Then his free hand roughly grips your chin and closes the distance as he yanks your face to within mere centimeters from his own horrifying face.

"You are mine."

Slightly chapped lips then roughly close over your own in a fierce and unexpected kiss. It's rough and heated, and you gasp in shock from the surprising action. Unfortunately for you, that's all it takes for him to push harder, slipping his tongue past your lips to eagerly explore every crevice of your mouth.

With one wrist still trapped in a vice, you attempt to use the other hand to shove against his broad chest. You put all your efforts into getting away, but it's to no avail. His hold is unbreakable, and the steamy air and lacking oxygen is making you feel weak and dizzy.

Your legs begin to wobble pathetically, and his grip only seems to tighten in compensation. There's no doubt that he's the only thing keeping you standing.

When his tongue finally retracts, you're prepared to breath a sigh of relief, but it's stopped by the sudden and sharp nip at your lower lip. Your taste and sense of smell are flooded with copper as you squeak in pain, and his tongue darts over the bleeding wound lapping up the crimson liquid before he finally pulls away from your lips.

He's doesn't pull back far though. Your noses remain touching as you stare fearfully into the void of his eyeless sockets. Hysteria smoothes over you like a wax dripping down a candle, and the rate of your breathing begins to pick up.

"You are mine."

The whispered words brush softly against your lips before the grips on your chin and wrist are removed. You slink to your knees immediately, not bothering to move from the spray of the water as you watch Jack pick up his mask and walk away calmly.

You remain like this long after he's gone. Confusion and frustration swirl like a maddening cocktail in your mind as you try to bring your breathing back to normal. When you're able to, you voice the question that's been playing on repeat in your head since the moment Jack kissed you.

"What the fuck was that?"


next chapter when this one has a vote!

xxxxxx likepercyjackson

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