Secret no more

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You'd spent almost a week essentially living in the Room of Requirement, only emerging for your lessons, extra curricular activities and meals. Imelda had caught you sneaking back into the dormitory after your first night, shoving your clothes and belongings into your trunk and worriedly demanding what you were doing. You assured her you weren't leaving Hogwarts, just temporarily relocating your sleeping arrangements before fleeing back into the castle.

The further you were away from the common room and the dormitories, the easier it was not to dwell on your crumbling relationships. Even your lessons you had spent in the company of others, venturing so far as to set your cauldron up next to Garreth one day, drawing a very confused and inquisitive look from the redhead. You'd spent the lesson staring at the back of Sebastian's head, reminiscing the way his hair felt running through your fingers and the scent of his skin when you nuzzled against his neck.

You missed Ominis most of all. After finding him waiting outside of the Room of Requirement early one morning, you'd told him you just needed some time alone to reflect, and he'd reluctantly given you the space.

Your trunk was now tucked under your arm, shrunk down to a manageable size to carry as you walked back to the Slytherin common room. It was still early morning, the Winter sun not yet risen outside the castle walls, and the hallways were quiet and calm. Today was the day you finally felt able to return to normality, whatever that now entailed.

Imelda was shuffling around the dormitory, pulling on her dark green Quidditch jumper as you walked in. Her eyes followed you as you made your way to your bed and set down the trunk, muttering the spell to enlarge it once more.

"You're back," she said, watching you pull out your own Quidditch kit to change into. "Joining us for practice?"

"Of course. I haven't missed one yet, have I?"

"No, you haven't. Are you ever going to tell me where you've been hiding yourself?"

You gave her a noncommittal shrug and pulled off your old clothes as your roommates began to stir in their beds. Imelda quirked her head for you to follow her out of the room and you hastily pulled on your kit and boots, rushing out the door to find her waiting at the bottom of the stairs. You walked the route to the great hall talking about the Quidditch league-you were always thankful to Imelda for treating you as she always had, perhaps with a little less snark.

The decorations in the great hall hit you full on in the face, taking the air out of your lungs. Pink rose petals fell from the enchanted ceiling, dissolving before they hit the tables, which were covered in assorted heart-shaped foods. The walls were littered with tapestries depicting romantic interactions as cherubs sat on top of plinths, regarding the students and occasionally shooting arrows at their heads which exploded in a puff of pink smoke. Whilst it might have been considered fun and charming at one point, the thought of Valentine's Day only made you nauseous and bitter.

"Ugh, I forgot about today. You'll not be the only one not celebrating, trust me," Imelda said as you sat down at the table.

You could see Ominis and Clara sitting further down the table in your peripheral vision and fought the urge to look at them. You weren't surprised Ominis hadn't mentioned his Valentine's plans with you-he was far too tactful. You gave in to the impulse and glanced over quickly, noting that Sebastian was sitting next to Ominis, busy scarfing down his breakfast whilst engaged in conversation with McKinnon.

Returning to your own plate, you brought your attention back to Imelda who had poured you a cup of tea.

"Thanks. Didn't expect all this...," you said, pointing at the red tablecloth and doilies. "...extravagance."

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