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The grave was unassuming; a grassy mound with simple stone headstone, engraved with his name and a heartfelt obituary that you'd helped to write. Sebastian had made a comment about it not being enough for the contribution he'd made to the school, but you knew he'd have preferred it this way. The headstone sat almost flush next to Miriam's; a shared grave for two soulmates who'd died for a greater purpose. The love they'd shared had been something you'd ruminated on time and time again, likening it to what you now had with Ominis. Your husband lifted your hand as your fingers entwined, placing a gentle kiss on your knuckles.

"I don't believe it's been ten years," you sighed.

"Still feels like yesterday. You never really forget, do you? Couldn't possibly..." Sebastian commented, his head dipped and dark eyes fixed towards the grave.

You knew he was talking not only of Eleazar, but everything that had happened that year. You held out your spare hand, usually reserved for your wand but not needed at that moment. Making a slow, circular motion in the air, wreaths appeared in a swirl of gold, resting next to both headstones. Your conjuration wasn't as powerful without your wand and required much more concentration, but Natty had trained you well-wandless magic proved invaluable when disarmed, which was a very real threat in your line of work.

The wreaths were seasonal; simple holly and pine with red berries and carnations. They'd last for weeks in the cold temperatures and with the stasis charm you'd added. As you admired your work, you lowered your empty wand hand back to your side, brushing Sebastian's as it fell. Wordlessly, he held your hand as you all stood in silent contemplation, honouring the man who'd been your mentor during the hardest months of your life.

Your tears almost froze to your face in the bitter chill, and only once they'd stopped streaming did you suggest retreating into the warmth of your cottage. You reluctantly dropped Sebastian's hand as you walked out of the graveyard, coming to a stop just outside the gate and casting a look around before apparating.

The three cracks echoed through the empty woodland outside your home, the darling cottage so reminiscent of the one you'd imagined into creation in the Room of Requirement. You'd barely cleared the wards before you saw a large and haughty looking snowy owl waiting on the doorstep with a scroll of parchment tied to its leg. The bird hooted softly as you untied it-noting the Ministry seal, you let out a sigh.

"It's for you," you said to Ominis, handing him the scroll.

"Excuse me," he said with a furrowed brow, marching into the house and straight to his study.

Beckoning Sebastian across the threshold, you immediately threw off your heavy winter cloak and boots, discarding them in the hallway before leading him to the drawing room. You made a beeline for the all-important liquor cabinet in the corner, scanning the shelves for something suitably strong. A shiver ran down your spine, unclear whether it was from the cold or the creaking floorboards signalling Sebastian's approach behind your back.

"Is that the pin I bought you?" he asked, stopping an arm's length behind you.

You turned around, coming face to face with him as you handed over a large glass of vintage firewhiskey. Your brain caught up to what he was talking about and you nodded, taking a sip of your drink and relishing the warmth that spread through your body and immediately dulled your nerves.

"You still wear it?" Sebastian pressed.

"Of course, I always have."

"I thought now that..."

"He understands. And don't tell me you picked it out yourself," you said with a smirk.

Sebastian grinned, giving you a small shrug of confirmation.

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