An invitation

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If the chatter around the castle wasn't about impending examinations, with both N.E.W.T and O.W.L students readying themselves, it was about the upcoming graduation ball. Competition was fierce to secure a date for the event, particularly amongst the girls, who were far more excited about the prospect of the masked dancing. Whilst many of your classmates had romantic partners, far more were uninvolved, thus finding themselves open to all sorts of offers.

You weren't surprised by the sheer amount of interest Sebastian had been receiving over the past week, though you weren't thrilled about it, either. Ever the attention-lover, he revelled in the swathes of girls and a few boys who tried to catch his attention. Whilst you cringed at their unashamed advances, it had the effect of cheering Sebastian immeasurably, putting a spring in his step and an unbearably smug smirk on his face.

You'd so far avoided mentioning his entanglement with Imelda, shying away from the awkward conversation, as well as any mention of your growing concerns around Clara. You'd noticed her piercing gaze on you more and more often over the past few days. Her dark eyes would land on you in the dim light of the common room, scrutinising your every action before flicking between Ominis and Sebastian.

She knew.

She was weighing her options, and the thought made you sick to your stomach. You had to talk to Sebastian, sooner rather than later. As your other housemates discussed what they'd be wearing to the ball, your mind was once again consumed with worries. Ominis often quelled them with a gentle kiss, an admission of love, a romantic gesture, but not even he could be with you every second of the day.

"Head in the clouds again?"

The cheerful voice snapped you out of your reverie at the breakfast table, your eyes refocusing on the room and falling on Sebastian, who's fluffy hair looked pomaded to within an inch of its life as a strong scent of cologne wafted over the table.

"Thinking about exams. And wondering what in Merlin's name I'm going to wear to this ball."

"I've been thinking the same," Sebastian agreed, pushing eggs around his plate with his fork.

"You'll be wearing dress robes, I assume," you answered.

"I meant I've been thinking about what you'll be wearing," he said with a smirk.


Ominis' stern voice was a warning to behave, and the glint in Sebastian's eye faded along with his smile. You shook your head at Sebastian and dipped your head to sip your tea to avoid his penetrating gaze. Another side effect of all the attention he was getting was he'd been incessantly flirtatious. Not just with you, but you'd bore the brunt of it being in such close proximity, and Ominis' patience was wearing thinner with every passing day.

"Just a joke, Ominis. No need to be so testy."

Ominis' retort was cut short by the addition of Penelope to your group, sweeping her long blonde hair over her shoulder.

"Hello Sebastian...Ominis. Can I talk to you?" she said, directing her question to you with a furtive look up and down the table.

"Of course, what is it?" you replied, dipping your head.

"I was wondering if you'd mind if I went with George to the ball?"

", of course not. Why would I mind?"

Ominis' face was screwed up in a frown as your eyes flitted towards him across the table.

"Well, I know he likes you, or did..."

"The feeling isn't mutual."

"Right, I know," she said, glancing at Ominis, "but..."

"Has he asked you, then?" you said, desperately trying to divert the conversation as Penelope appeared to be pushing her foot deeper and deeper into her own mouth.

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