I'll be waiting

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Artwork by claraapologist (Tumblr)

After Ominis had dragged Sebastian to the Undercroft, Imelda had refused to let you wallow in self pity waiting for the outcome of your friends' confrontation-instead, she all but dragged you out of the castle into the chilly evening, the sun already setting before dinner had even begun.

"When was the last time you had fun outside the castle?" she asked, striding alongside you.

"Oh, erm...Christmas?" you replied, skipping to keep up.

"Merlin, no wonder you're wound so tight. Let's get a drink, try and forget about Sallow and Gaunt for one night."

"Fine, but you're buying."

Imelda broke into a smirk and continued her impressive marching pace all the way to the village. The streets were quiet, with most everyone tucked away in their homes or the invitingly warm glow of The Three Broomsticks. You shuddered in the cold wind and picked up the pace towards the pub, breathing a sigh of relief as the wall of noise and warmth hit you as Imelda pushed open the door. Sirona was talking to an elderly wizard over the bar as you approached, and you gave her a wave and a smile as you pulled off your scarf.

"Hello you two," she said, peeling her attention away from her conversation, "what can I get you?"

"Couple pints of mead, please, Sirona. This one needs it," Imelda said, gesturing to you.

Sirona quirked her eyebrow and nodded, grabbing the glasses and pouring out the amber liquid. The faint nausea you'd been feeling settled slightly as you relaxed into the atmosphere of the pub and the first sip of drink was like a much-needed salve on an open wound.

"That reminds me, I need to organise another team social," Imelda mused as she opened the clasp of her cloak and perched on the bar stool.

"Want some help?" you asked, regretting the words as soon as they left your mouth.

"Actually, yes. Could you sort it out? I'm busy trying to petition Professor Black to let us have new uniforms and agree on a date for our final match."

You gulped down the mead, nodding and cursing your enthusiasm.

"Yes, of course. Erm, any ideas?"

"I'll leave it with you."

You exhaled and put down your already empty glass on the bar, signalling to Sirona to bring you another as Imelda raised her eyebrows at you. You couldn't think of a single thing worse suited to your current mood than the responsibility of your team's entertainment.

"Not sure that's the best idea at the moment," you said.

"It'll be a good distraction. Trust me, you need to busy yourself."

Sirona slid another glass in front of you with a curious look which you returned with a shrug. You knew getting intoxicated wouldn't put an end to your worries, but the alcohol made you relax, giving you a warm buzz. It didn't take long for Imelda to turn to the stronger spirits and the evening devolved into fits of giggles and silliness. She loved teasing you mercilessly about your predicament, which under the influence of your drink seemed highly amusing.

The pub began to empty as you got into a heated discussion about Puddlemere United's aggressive tactics in their last game against the Wimbourne Wasps and Sirona rang the bell for last orders. You'd been nursing the same drink for hours, steadily diluting it down until it was practically all water, but your earlier exuberance had left you pleasantly tipsy.

You jumped off the stool a little too enthusiastically and wobbled as you donned your cloak, following Imelda outside into the night. The sky was inky black and clear, the stars bright and particularly blurry as you squinted up at them. You'd only made it a few paces through the village before Imelda pulled you to a stop with a tug on your robes, making you stumble and almost fall onto the cobblestones beneath your feet.

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