Blackmailed 24

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I’m in front of Keith’s house. I rang the bell and someone open it up for me. I went straight to her room because her parents are already sleeping. I messaged her before I went here but she didn’t read it. I knock at her door. “Babe…” I called.

I knock again and then the door opens. I saw how her eyes are puffed. Then I heard hyung’s voice at the back of my head saying, “If she’s crying just kiss her right away and do it all the way so she’ll forget everything.” He even smirks after that. He really knows how to manipulate people.

“Babe,” I called her and she turns her back at me. “Look, I’m sorry, okay? I have my fault.”

“Sounds like you don’t even really want to apologize,” she stated and I frustratedly shut my eyes for a second.

“Babe come on, I’m here to fix things,” I pleaded. “I have my fault but you know you have too—”

“I do?” she turns back and frowns. “All I need is a bit of time from you, Sunoo.”

“And all I need is your understanding, Keith.”

There’s a silence and I sighs and look away. I can see her eyes are about to cry again. “I’m sorry if I’m getting busy but please understand me. Because Keith I never acted like that to you. You were so busy with everything and I never felt that needy for your attention though I am because I need to understand the situation. Please, understand me,” I convinced her.

“So it’s my fault?”

“My goodness Park Keith!” I yelled in frustration. “Why can’t you understand!?”

“Then make me understand!”

“I’ve been explaining it to you! Goddamnit!” I finally cursed and glared at her who’s crying. “Look, we’re not going to fix things like this. I’ll let you chill out… I’ll come back some other day. Good night,” I said and then go out of the room.

I was a bit surprised when I see her dad standing behind the door. I bow at him as a sign of respect. “I’m sorry, Mr. Park,” I apologized. “I’ll just talk to her when she’s feeling fine and sorted,” I said.

He taps my shoulder. “That’s right… I’ll talk to her. Have a safe trip home.”

I nods and walks out then I heard the door open and closed because her dad went it. I just shook my head and went straight home. When I arrived, hyung’s drinking some beer with him.

I went beside him and open a can then drink it. I’m just quiet and look at the football game that’s happening on the TV and we stayed like that for I don’t know minutes. The players had a goal but we’re just quiet and hyung just let me.

“What’s wrong?” hyung asked and his right hand landed on my thigh, gently squeezing it.

“She’s hysterical. I don’t know. She doesn’t understand me, she won’t listen,” I answered while frowning as I remember how pathetic it was.

“What happened next? You just go out after?” he asks again.

“I told her I’ll come back again and her dad comes in to her room to comfort her maybe. I don’t know,” I said and drink again but I noticed Sunghoon hyung smirked for a second. “What was that?”

“Nothing,” he replied. “It’s your day off tomorrow?” he asks and I nod. “Wanna get fuck tonight?”

I blink twice. “Y-yeah sure,” I agreed.

“Want it to be film? We didn’t film the last one,” he asks again.

I was taken aback and I gulp. “D-do you want?”

“Not about me, vixen. I’m asking you, if you like it,” Sunghoon said and smiles. “I just feel bad having a messy sex vid with you when we can actually have a good one,” he added.

I mindlessly nod at him and he smiles. “I’ll just take a bath, hyung,” I said and he kisses me before I get up.

I’m at the bathroom, soaking myself in cold water. Am I drunk? Nah, a can of beer won’t make me drunk that fast but why did I agree? I don’t know too! I just feel so out of myself tonight that I want something to vent on.

I growl and sighs then let the shower fall on my face. Then I took a step back and open my eyes. “What if I’ll break up with Keith?” I asked myself and look at the door. “Will he catch me?”

Went I went back to the room I laugh when I saw him with a fucking Canon camera in his hand and he’s pressing something. “Where did you get that?”

“It’s always been with me,” he answered while still busy doing his thing the he looked at me. “Smile”

I pouted instead of smiling and it flashes. “Cutie,” he reacted and then smiles at me that made me chuckles. I move closer to him and hugged him from the back while he’s browsing some pictures and my eyes widen when I saw myself in there!

“Hey! What’s that!? Sunghoon hyung!” I yelled at him while frowning that I even let go of him.

He pinched my cheek and laughs. “I find you cute while you’re asleep and every after sex, baby,” he stated.

I shouldn’t feel fluttered about that but he’s making me feel blush! “But still! I’m sleeping and how many is that,” I pause and grab the cam from him and look at the amount of the photos. “That’s over two hundred, Sunghoon hyung!” I whine at him.

“I will transfer the photos and filled with all your smiling pictures, are we good now?” he negotiated while smiling at me as if I am a kid.

“Shouldn’t you be deleting it?” I asked.

He shook his head. “No, baby. It’s mine,” he disagreed.

“Do you have porn and some NSFW kinks?” I asked.

“Maybe I do? But mostly to you,” he answered and take off his shirt. “Because you’re so fucking hot, I really want to take you away from my sister. Damn it.”

“Wait what? T-take me away from… Keith?” I repeated and put the camera on the bed.

He held my waist and pulled me closer to him and he grins. “Yes, I’m sorry, Sunoo. I’m going to use you for a bit,” he said and kisses me.

“Aghhmh— wait— hmgnhg—hyung,” I called him between our kisses and he look at me. “What do you mean by that?” I asked while I’m holding both of his arms.

He suddenly lifts me up and almost throws me on the bed and I’m still looking at him while I’m lying down. He gets the camera and pressed something. He probably started recording it already. I don’t really mind.

I can trust him with these.

“Don’t worry about it, I like you,” he said and move the camera closer to my face.

“I like you too, hyung.”

He suddenly paused and we stared at each other’s eyes. That’s the first time I saw him stare at me like that; no malice, no lust, just pure curiosity and wonders. But then he smiles at me and lean closer until his soft lips landed on my forehead. He then put the camera on the nightstand and went back above me and kisses me, my hands quickly wraps around his nape.

He then looked at me and I smiled at him then give him a peck of kiss. “You said you’re going to take me away from your sister, right?” I asked.

“Yeah… I will… Are you okay with that?” he asks me.

“I’m fine with it… Please, claim me. I’m all yours, Sunghoon hyung.”

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