The Sleepover

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So, you're probably wondering what went down at the sleepover over a week ago

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So, you're probably wondering what went down at the sleepover over a week ago. Well you're about to find out. 


"I'm so pumped for this sleepover!" I exclaimed. It had been so long since I had seen my best friend, and we were going to have an epic sleepover. Everest had just heard about my pregnancy, and she was very happy for me, so she decided to organize a sleepover in celebration. I was completely on board with this plan, because I needed time away from all the boys in my life.

I was waiting outside for Everest and Jake to arrive to pick up Marshall and I. He was coming too because he and Everest had bonded in the last couple of years and they were now good friends. "They're late." Marshall clicked his tongue jokingly. "Look!" Marshall followed my gaze to the mountain. I could see two silhouettes, belonging to Jake and Everest.

We waited until they eventually reached us. They walked down the mountain, so Everest rode in my helicopter and Jake rode in Marshall's fire truck.

There isn't really much to do at Jake's mountain. They aren't the richest people around, and it was up to our imaginations to come up with something fun to do. I thought about all the games we played back home. I probably didn't have much more time to play high intensity games, since I was pregnant, but I didn't know that size of my litter.

Everest, Marshall and I sat down near the toasty fire that was going steady in the cabin's fireplace, to brainstorm about what we could do. We didn't get to do this very often and we wanted to make this count, but for that goal to be achieved, we needed to figure something out and get off of our bums.

"How about we give Marshall a makeover?" Everest suggested after a while. Marshall was hesitant, but I loved the idea. "Yeah!"

We led Marshall to the bathroom, and Everest dug put some makeup. We had never done this before, so Marshall looked like a baron when we were finished. I'll admit it was pretty funny.

We went outside after Marshall had washed his face, and we were so bored that we just chased bunnies for a while. I was exhausted pretty quickly, much to my displeasure, and I could barely run after forty five minutes. After I stopped playing, Everest and Marshall got bored quickly so we headed inside.

"Are you guys thirsty?" Everest asked as we sat back down near the fireplace. "Now that I think of  it, yeah." Marshall replied. I nodded in agreement. Jake, who had overheard what we were talking about, opened a cupboard to reveal a few dog bowls. He filled them all up with water from the tap. It was then that the small TV in the cabin turned on, and was blaring a Barbie commercial at full volume. We all turned to it, and dove for the controller, trying to turn it off. We ended up in a big pile on the ground, and we eventually got the TV to stop, but not before our ears felt like they were going to explode. Jake, who was still in the kitchen, handed his water bowls to us, and I downed it greedily. It tasted like hairspray, it was bitter and it smelled funny. But I didn't want to come off as rude, so I forced myself to drink the whole thing. I looked up at Marshall, and I could tell he was struggling to drink it too. Everest, however, seemed perfectly fine. I guess she was used to it.

I felt really weird after that. I guess it was a good kind of weird at the time. "You guys wanna play truth or dare?" Everest asked, as I tried to keep my head straight. I really did not feel good. "Sure." I replied, embarrassingly voice cracking. 

We all sat down in a circle, and we started with harmless jokes and dares. But then it got a little more extreme. Everest was asked why rejected Rocky, and then Everest dared Marshall to lick the toilet seat (barf). After that went down, the calm before the storm arrived. "I dare you both to try a tailspin." Everest ordered. I thought this to be easy, but you never know with Marshall. I stumbled to my feet, feeling really dizzy. I felt like I was gonna puke, but at the time, I was completely oblivious to everything but what was happening in the moment. We both counted ourselves down at the same time, and I tried to do a tailspin, a move that I had previously perfected, and I fell instantly. Marshall fell on top of me, and he was so heavy that I thought I was gonna be crushed. "You guys kinda suck." Everest teased. "Hey!" He both yelled in unison, causing us all to laugh. "You guys are so cute." This made me suddenly really uneasy. What did she just say? I was pregnant. Now that I thought of it I really shouldn't have done that tailspin. "You know what? I dare you two to make out." Marshall's face lit up, but I stepped back. "What?" Everest look at me with pleading eyes. "You too chicken." I scrunched my face. "Nobody calls me chicken," I turned to face Marshall. "Bring it." He took a couple steps towards me, but Everest got it our way. "Hey, let's take this to my room."

We followed Everest into her small room. She had a proper dog bed, something I had wanted for a long time. She sat down on it, and watched us intensely. She held up a camera to her face.

"Are you sure you wanna do this?" I asked. I felt lightheaded, and I couldn't see straight.

"Hell yeah!" I heard Marshall say. I was having second thoughts. 

"Here goes nothing." 


I am so humiliated and so ashamed of what happened next. I'm not even going to tell you about it. Needless to say, I hated myself for it. I had no idea what had gotten over me. In which world did I think that something like that would be okay?


"I can not believe you just did that!" Everest squealed. Apparently she was finding this hilarious. "I think I'm gonna puke." I blurted, and made a dash to the toilet. I couldn't reach it, it was too big. I went for the front door, but I couldn't reach the handle. "Jake, open the door!" I yelled. Jake, who was sitting on the couch reading a book, didn't question me. He walked over way too slowly for my satisfaction, and opened the door.

I ran as far as I could until I felt it coming. I hurled in the snow. If felt disgusting and sticky, and I couldn't believe what was happening, but I felt better. I stumbled around in the snow for about two seconds, before passing out.

I woke up under a warm blanket by the fireplace. Jake was sitting in one of the chairs beside me, watching a show on his phone. I peered out the window, and it was completely  bright outside. Huh. I could've sworn it was just dark out. "You're finally awake." I heard someone mutter. I turned back to see Marshall, right beside where I was just sleeping. His eyes were locked on the ground, and his deface was expressionless. And then I remembered.

I had just made out with him. I had just ruined my life. 

I cheated on Chase.

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