Friday Fun

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Roe had only been gone for a total of two hours when Mara went into the garage to pester her father. Her mother had an important business trip, or something like that, which left her, Evie, and their father at home for the weekend. There was Uncle Vergil to, but he was always sneaking off somewhere these days. Even so, Mara found her father working on his newly acquired car.

His excuse was he needed something to do, and her mother said he was going through some mid-life crisis... or something like that. Mara only knew that her father had 'retired' from the family business; handing it over to Cade and Nero. While that was great and all, he paid more attention to the car.

"What's up, Princess?" Dante did not look up from underneath the hood of the car when she climbed up on the stool behind him.

"Dad, I know you love your new car and all, but could you please take us out to the arcade tonight?" The pleading in her voice was sure to make him say yes. He was always down for some fun at the arcade. "Please?"

"I don't know... did you clean your room?" She rolled her eyes. Leave it to her mother to make sure she cleaned her room. It really was not that messy, but her mom had been on her for days.

"No, but it's not that messy." She exclaimed, knowing full well that her father could see through her white lie. "I'll promise I'll clean it when we get back." She did not expect him to straighten up and look at her with his trademark 'yeah right' half smirk that also said he did not believe her one bit.

"Mara... when was the last time you cleaned your room?" He had a crescent wrench in one hand and a dirty shop rag in the other. She looked up in thought, trying to count in her head how many days it had been. "Yeah, that's what I thought." He put both items down on the rolling tray next to the car. "I tell you what, I'm going take a shower. If you can get your room clean by the time I'm dressed, we can go. Caprende?"

"Caprende." She sighed before getting off the stool and making her way back into the house.

"Hey... tell Evie to get ready!" Her father shouted. If her mother was not such a clean freak, they would be out of there in a heartbeat, but her dad was very much on her mother's side about everything.

Mara made her way up to her room, but not before stopping by her sisters to tell her to get dressed. Evie was busy playing with her toys, all of which were toy horses. Mara never understood her sister's fascination with horses, much less why many girls were obsessed with them. Although, at the same time, she also did not understand the trouble with boys either.

"Evie, Dad said to get ready to go to the Arcade." Her younger sisters head popped up at the mention of going somewhere. It really had been a while since their Dad had taken them anywhere, and their mother was away.

"Yay!" Mara watched as Evie hurriedly put her toy horses away in their little stables she got for Christmas and proceed to dig in her closet. "Have you seen my purple shirt?"

"Maybe check the laundry room." Mara had no idea what purple shirt her sister was talking about, but that was her best guess. "Mom left some laundry in there for us."

"Thanks, Mara." She watched as Evie ran out of her room and down the stairs.

"No problem, sis." Mara rolled her eyes and went into her room.

The sight before her made her slightly angry at herself for letting her room get in such a state. Dirty clothes were all over the floor, the makeup that her Aunt Trish got her for Christmas was all over her vanity, and her collection of stuffed animals were scattered all over the place. She may be twelve years old, but she was already turning into a slob like her brother and her father. Well, at least she had an empty clothes hamper to work with.

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