Tell Me Its A Bad Dream

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He was trying to keep himself calm, but the overwhelming feeling of anger and worry kept him in this half triggered state. He could not march into the hospital looking ready to butcher anyone in his path, so he waited outside. This need to hunt was strong but rooted in deep anger and hatred.

Dante was not himself.

The moment his phone rang, he knew something was off. Roe had not come home on time, and she had not called to tell him she was leaving work late. It set something off in him that had him pacing the house. The demon inside of him knew that something had happened to her, and the number on his phone was not hers.

It was his son's.

"Dad, you need to get to the museum now." Was all that was said, then Dante hung up his phone.

"Mara, watch your sister, I've got to go get your mom." That was all he told his oldest daughter before running out of the house. He did not even think before summoning Cavalier. The devil arm was still in his demonic arsenal, waiting to be used again. The thing was that in his panic, Dante needed something to get him there faster than any normal vehicle. He was not about to show up triggered.

When he got to the museum, Cavalier vanished and left the man standing there behind a barricade as police and medical personnel surrounded the building. Lights were flashing everywhere as EMT's were loading strecters into ambulances. One of them baring Roe's assistant, who was unconscious and bleeding. He could smell her blood, but he could not see her from where he stood.

The smell of blood alone put a hard look on his face as he decided to duck under the yellow crime scene tap. He was immediately surrounded by police, but they backed off when he gave them a stone cold glare. They did not back off as he moved through the chaos. Someone had put a hand on him.

"Sir! You can't be here!" Dante did not care, all he could focus on was the scent of his wife. He coldly looked at the police officer, trying to hold him back. "Sir, you have to leave!" His eyes started to glow red as he felt himself grow angry. They did not know who they were dealing with.

"Dante!" He knew that voice. "Dante!" It was getting closer. "Hey let him through!" It was Morrison. "Let him through, fellas... his wife works here." Morrison, the old fart who had been a friend since he named Devil May Cry. The familiarity was enough to help Dante snap out of his anger for a moment of clarity. "Hey, hey, look at me." Morrison grabbed him by the shoulders.

"Morrison, where is my wife?" There was no denying that he was absolutely living and was severely lacking in information.

"There was a shooting." Dante closed his eyes. He had hoped it was demons. Demons he could do something about. "Some idiot and his friends came in and shot the place up." His eyes went to the broken glass windows and the doors that had been shot up. "They were after some of the gemstones that were on display." All of this mess for a bunch of jewels that were probably worth nothing next to a human soul. He looked at Morrison. "Your wife was the first one rushed to the hospital."

Dante said nothing, and when he was quiet, he was not playing around. For the first time in years, he allowed his demon side to rise to the surface. He did not care who saw or if it was the right thing to do, he was not himself. He was a demon in that moment. He was angry and very afraid.

It felt cathartic as he stood there for a moment. Gasps and screams could be heard as Dante revealed himself in his sin devil trigger in front of everyone who was there. Onlookers were either shocked or scared as they still remembered the events that happened almost ten years ago. Some people had their phones out recording all of it, but that did not matter, he was furious.

He had lost control of the demon and now there was Hell to pay. He stood there for a second longer before spreading his wings and rocketing to the sky. That was the first and last time anyone had seen of the red demon that appeared in Capulet.

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