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There had been plenty of calls about demonic activity coming in lately. Over the past three days, Cade had been called out to Southside every night to play pest control man. The activity spiked so much that he called his father for help. Dante told him that he was sending someone else to help out.


The man his father had told him stories of when Cade was growing up was completely different to the man he had met. Vergil was indifferent towards Cade when they had first met. In the handful of times that they encountered each other, there was some acknowledgment from his uncle, but it was nothing more than a greeting. Cade had never really bothered to talk to his uncle in the first place only because there was not much to speak of.

Which is why Cade had been surprised when Vergil showed up at Devil May Cry after the call with Dante. Cade had barely hung up the phone five minutes prior to his uncle walking through the doors in his long coat and Yamato in his hand.

"Okay, did my Dad put you up to this?" Vergils eyes narrowed at the insinuation. Cade should know well enough that Vergil never did anything Dante suggested. At least, that was Cade's impression of their relationship.

"I volunteered." There was that air of superiority that Vergil was well known for, but in this case, it was more of a 'I'm here to teach' sort of feeling. "Dante is preoccupied anyway." The look on his face said it all. Vergil was annoyed with his brother's unwillingness to step away from home, even for a night.

"That about sums it up." Cade stood up from his chair to seek out Alastor and his pistols. "Ever since he got back, he's been acting odd."

"Can you blame him?" Vergil seemed to understand what was going on more than Cade. "There are some things you don't know, and there is good reason for that." The way in which his uncle was not mincing words almost reminded Cade of his father. Telling him something without really telling him.

"Well, whatever the reason is, he just dumped all of this on me." That was not necessarily true because Nero had come in and made sure Cade knew what he was doing before making the commitment.

"Did he?" Vergil crosses his arms. "I was under the impression that you chose to take over." Cade really did not want a lecture from his uncle, who never seemed to care before. "In any case, you've made a choice. Just like Dante and myself." And choices, no matter good or bad, had consequences.

"Since when do you care?" Cade was getting frustrated. Did Vergil come here just to give him a hard time? Maybe. Dante did say that his brother was really good at testing the measure of his allies and opponents.

"It's not a matter of caring, Nephew." Vergil stepped closer to Cade. "It's a matter of accepting the truth. If you want to continue to hold on to the false reality you've made for yourself, it matters not to me. However, your blindness to it will cost you." Cade noted the seriousness to Vergil's voice and how he seemed to be speaking from experience.

Even though it seemed that Cade had put his resentment towards Dante aside, there was more to it. He had found himself forgiving his father for leaving, but the trouble started when Dante refused to hunt now. Cade could not wrap his head around it. None of it made sense to him. The one thing Cade wanted the most was for Dante to be there with him, hunting. Even if he was an adult, he still wanted his father there.

"I just want things to be like they were before." Cade said and watched as Vergil calmly nodded.

"That's understandable, but nothing is the same now." The way in which the older twin said it was more along the lines of no turning back. "Change, is inevitable." The older man turned away from Cade. "Even I am not immune to it." He began to walk towards the door. "Come, Nephew. Let's have some fun." There was a smirk on Vergil's face when he glanced back at Cade. There was a playful side to his uncle and that only made Cade a little wary of the man.

"What is your definition of fun exactly?" The younger man asked as he followed his uncle out the door and into the dark street.

"Slaying demons that have no business roaming the streets at night." Vergil said as he unsheathed Yamato and opened a portal. "They have been a problem for an acquaintance of mine as well."

"I knew the rumors were true." Vergil swivled his head around to look at his nephew.

"What rumors?" The slight raise of an eyebrow was enough to give Cade all the answers he needed.

"People have been seeing you roaming around a certain shop at night the past few days." Cade made sure to smirk before walking backwards into the portal with his arms out wide. "Keep up, Old Man."

As soon as Cade came out of the portal with Vergil not far behind him, the smell of demons hit him. They were hiding in the shadows between the glow of streetlights. This part of town had a lot of vacant buildings as many people moved out years ago when the activity started. The people that still lived there retreated to their homes before dark. Most of them had boarded up their windows or hung talismans from thr frames to keep demons out.

"It's like no matter how many we take out, more keep coming." The idea of an open portal had crossed Cade's mind several times, but there was no evidence of it.

"I have my theories as to why they are coming here." Vergil came to stand next to him.

"I've looked for portals or a gate and so far I've come across nothing." Cade shrugged. "Juries still out on the other theory."

"I believe the reason is rather obvious." Vergil pointed Yamato in the direction of building at the end of the street. Cade knew it as the shop he had handled a case in a few months back. "The rumors are true."

"Anna?" Cade had wondered why Vergil volunteered. Now it made sense. "How did you meet her?"

"I killed her father a long time ago." The confession made Cade freeze. "She is one of the many wrongs that I want to attone for."

"And roaming the streets at night killing demons is your way of doing it." Cade removed Alastor from his back. "Never pictured you as a romantic, Uncle Verge."

"It has nothing to do with that." Vergil was quick to dismiss the motion that there could be something else to his motivation.

"You're protecting her." If that was not the beginning of a relationship between his uncle and the sweetest woman in the world, Cade did not know what else to call it. "That sounds like something my mom and Sarah would gush at."

"You will not speak of this to anyone, do you understand?" The tone that Vergil had was enough to silence any notions Cade had.

"I do." He did not want to admit he had started to fall in love with Sarah either. "I get it."

"Good." The older man said before moving forward with Yamato ready for any demons to come his way. "Now, move."

Cade wasted no time in following his uncle into the darkness towards The White Owl.

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