Be My Guest

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Luke's POV

The suspension was two weeks before Halloween so we wouldn't be in trouble during Halloween. That is one of my favorite holidays, and it's Izzy's. Don't ask how I know that.

The first day of suspension, Tuesday to next Monday, was boring. I did nothing other than scroll on my phone and drop off and pick up Zoe from kindergarten. The second day however I received a text from miss. Izzy Rose. I wonder what that could say. I open the message to read...

Luke we need to talk.

Oh what could this be about?

You'll see
Come to my house

I waited for a moment and didn't write back.


I decided to have a little fun. I mean what else was I supposed to do home alone all day?

Last time I checked I don't need to do anything

I'm not playing come over now 😡

Im not playing either
I have much better things to do

I'll come and get you



I put down my phone on my bed and lay back awaiting her arrival. Just then I got a call, from an unknown caller ID. I answered it and there was silence on the other side of the phone... weird. Anyways I hung up and went downstairs to the kitchen to get some chips and watch a show. I put on Shameless, starting season 6. After about one and a half episodes I hear a knock on my front door. It was Izzy.

I got up and walked toward the door opening it I started, "so eager to see me I guess" with a smirk and a soft chuckle escaping my lips.

"Hahaha" she mocked while looking up to me "let me in" Izzy pushed me aside and welcomed herself into my home.

"Ok then, make yourself at home" i said as I closed the door.

When I turned to face her she looked mad. She dropped her bag and book on the floor and came up to me.

"You little rat" she stood close to me as I leaned my back agenst the door. "You didn't tell me that necklace was from you. Filthy liar" she steamed.

"Hey, I never said it wasn't from me that's not a lie" I corrected her.

She looked more angry. She didn't say anything back tho. Clearly thinking of what to say, still fuming I examined her. She was dressed in baggy low waisted blue jeans, with a black long sleeve shirt that hung just above her belly button. She wore black converse and had her hair down. God I loved when she let her hair down natural. Her makeup was made up of mascara, blush, lipgloss and she smelled like cherries. Even clearly frustrated she still looked good. From the way her hair rested to the way she talked with her hands. Just then, looking at her hands moving, I realized she was actually talking.

"-but like why wouldn't you tell me that you bought that. I mean that must have cost a lot and- no wait, here. I cant keep that." She said reaching her hands around her and unclamping the necklace I bought her. She placed it in her palm and held out her hand.

"No" I said and walked up the stairs.

"What do you mean 'no'?" She asked following me

"I mean no I can't return it and otherwise I have no use for it"

I opened my bedroom door, "so no"

"No" she laughed, "you can't say no I- here" she continued

"You know it's rude not to accepts a gift from someone Izzy" I sat on my bed

"I don't care, here, take the damn thing and I'll be on my way"

"And what if I don't take it back?" I questioned pulling out my phone casually

"Then I'll stay here until you do, how about that sucker"

A grin spread across my face. We all know I'm going to see how long she stays until she cracks.

"Fine" I said "be my guest"

Short chapter but idc because it's late and I want to sleep. Sorry I haven't been updating a lot but I'm preparing for back to school and my sleep schedule and everything. You better know I'm not doing that for shits and giggles if you know what I mean. Byeee XX.

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