Chapter 6: A Major Problem

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Hey Guys!!

Sorry for not updating! :(

I was busy with my other fabrication account and when I check my mail!! And I'm like woah!!!

Thanks so much guys!! I was never confident with this story and I finished it long ago but I was trying to make improvements! :)

I apologise and I will update when I can if school was ever merciless!!!

Thanks to my reviewers!!

lightdarkdreamer, FanACtic, Boxcutter, lovesbugsalot, Loubears_onlygirl, wombathewombate, swifterhawk3, minepro1, ATraitorsWish, DownSouth, ExtremeSonic, megasonicfan, ShadowsGirl101, FastestThingAlive and CyanideLithium!!!

I wish I could do more for you guys and I'm sorry for the corniness or OOC!!! And shortness!! I'm bad at writing! X.X



Chapter 6: A Major Problem

Tails stood up from his chair. He had tears in his eyes.

"What is wrong Sonic? Is it not fresh or something? How could you not like it at all?" Tails cried with sadness.

Tails slumped back down his chair with tears streaming down his face. Tails reached out to Sonic's hands and stared at him.

"Sonic...Please...Tell me what's going on...." Tails whispered while sniffling.

Sonic slapped Tails hands off and glanced back at Tails with no expression written on his face. It was as if he was emotionless...

"There is nothing wrong with me... I'm just not hungry..." Sonic replied with his eyes closed.

There were still no emotions in those words. Sonic stood up and went upstairs leaving Tails behind. Tails eyes widened and he tried to follow Sonic. Sonic slammed the door at Tails face. Sonic confined himself in his own room! Tails used his fist to pound on Sonic's door. On the other hand, Sonic was just leaning against the door staring at the ground.

"Open the door Sonic! Why? Why won't you tell me what's wrong? Why Sonic?" Tails yelled while slowly falling to his knees; tears streaming down his face.

He finding it hopeless but even though desperate to know, Tails eventually left for Sonic to have his own privacy. Thinking that Sonic would feel better this way. Before he proceeded on climbing down the stairs, He glanced back and stared at Sonic's door.

"Sonic...." Tails whispered.

Sonic's POV

Here I am now... I was all alone in my room.... I was sitting at the edge of the bed... I wanted to cry so badly...Nothing happened...No tears...

I held my head, I really don't want to believe this is happening but I can't taste the food and I wasn't hungry... The moment I took bite from that Chilidog... It-It was tasteless and I refused to eat it.... This thought only made me aggressive. I growled and took the covers and covered my whole body. I just don't want to think about it. I'm just tired! Nothing is wrong with me!


I was on my bed and I crossed my arms and legs. I stared at the stars by the window next to my bed. The stars were beautiful... For once.... I was... I was in peace. My ears perked up when I heard Tails calling me.

"Sonic!" Tails called.

I was going to get out of my bed and my vision went blur. A strike of pain attacked me.

"AAGH!" I cried in pain.

I fell off my bed and was struggling; grasping my head tightly. My eyes shut; enduring the pain with all my might.

"AAAAAH!" I cried as I squirmed on the ground.

It was pitch black and the pain was gone....

"Objective; Destroy" I said.

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