Chapter 2: Saved

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Chapter 2: Saved

Sonic's POV

I woke up with a blurry vision and I could hear a voice, it sounded like Tails. Once it was all clear, Tails yelled

"SONIC! Are you alright?"

I tried to sit up and observe my surroundings, I realised I was back in my room but after that I seem to fell back down on my bed again. Tails said

"Sonic… you need to rest still, that shot really got you hurt badly!"

I didn't understand and I recalled what I had happened, I was shot by Eggman's gun and I said

"Tails, how did I get here?"

Tails replied

"You were out for 3 days and Knuckles saved you and me!"


Tails hugged Sonic while Eggman kept on laughing. He finally defeated his own nemesis! Suddenly the wall burst, it was Knuckles who came to save them! Knuckles yelled


Tails obeyed and started to lift Sonic by the shoulders and use his two tails to fly out through the hole on the wall that Knuckles broke. He flew to the forest as fast he could. There was an explosion at the base. Tails prayed that Knuckles was alright. He couldn't help it but glanced back, apparently Knuckles was just right behind them. Tails was relieved. Once, they reached at Tails house. Tails placed Sonic on his bed and held his hand and he checked him up too but the unusual thing is that he has no injuries. Tails then wondered

"That's very strange…. Why is there no wound...? What did Eggman shoot into Sonic?"

It didn't matter at the moment. Tails just wish Sonic would wake up soon….

Tails exited the room and Knuckles was waiting and asked

"IS he alright?"

Tails replied

"Yeah, he will just need to rest."

End Of Flashback

Sonic understood Tails but Tails didn't tell him that he didn't have any injuries. He was just glad his brother was alright. Sonic got up and Tails tried to pry with him to stay in bed and rest more

"Sonic! You should rest more! You just recovered!"

Sonic grinned and said

"No worries Tails! I'm alright see!"

Sonic started to run downstairs and back in the room again within a few seconds. Tails smiled then said

"Alright Sonic but are you sure you're okay... You just recovered after all and-

Sonic interrupted Tails and gave him thumbs up, a wink and a smile.

"I am really Tails! Don't worry!"

Sonic rubbed Tails head and said

"I'm gonna go stretch my legs a little! Be back in a flash!"

Sonic ran off to the forest and Tails felt warm inside. He was glad he was okay.

Sonic's POV

I ran through the forest making the trees rustled as I pass by. It felt so good to be free! I saw scanning details like how fast I was running and the tree details about how old it is and such through my eyes and then my head hurt. I stopped, closed my eyes tightly, I placed my hand at my head to sooth the pain. I opened my eyes again this time there were no longer scanning details and went on running. "I must be tired and dreaming stuff up" I thought.

But there is still something wrong with Sonic.

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