The beginning of a Barty and Regulus black

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The wedding bells ringed through France as a Regulus black got married to the person he loved the most, Barty, his best friend, boyfriend, and now husband.
The Crouch family is in the front of the rest of the guests, including the malfoy, lestrange, and Rosiers's heads.
Narcissa, Dorcas, and Bellatrix were bride maids, and Pandora was the maid of honor. Right now, all the girls were helping Reg get ready.

"Oh my god! Regulus, you look stunning." Narcissa says while tearing up. Regulus was wearing a white dress with a tiara and his hair down neatly.

"Damn reg, you make all the girls feel jealous of your killer body and hair, like I would think you're a girl at first sight and if you were not just getting married I would steal you from Barty

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"Damn reg, you make all the girls feel jealous of your killer body and hair, like I would think you're a girl at first sight and if you were not just getting married I would steal you from Barty. " Dorcas smugly faces reg. " Well, thank you, Dorcas, for that now. Can you guys get me the bouquet? I have to get the show on the road in 10 minutes. We need no distractions!"
Regulus declared, confident nothing would stop the procedure of the wedding.

Then the door opened, reveling mrs. Crouch. "Regulus, aw darling, you look beautiful, a fine man for Barty." Mrs. Crouch swiftly walked toward Regulus with her long red dress following with her earrings dangling.
Regulus was tearing up and rapidly blinking in fear of the tears falling. " Please don't say that you're going to make me cry ." Regulus launched at her, hugging her. "Dearie, I'm glad to get the honor to walk you down the aisle." Mrs. Crouch is already crying. "Thank you for being the mother I never had, and fo-" Regulus said but was cut off by pandaora. "REG, we have a big problem!" In a panicked state. "Oh, what happened!" Regulus is now aware of what's happening. "Don't get mad okay, the aurors are dealing with it, but.... your brother is here." Everyones face dropped of panicked to worry when Regulus dashed to where the problem was.

Sirius ran here from what he could tell as he was in a suit that was not properly tailored, and he was sweating. "SIRIUS WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!" Everyone turned their heads to the groom, Barty. "Well, Barty, I came because NO ONE INVITED ME TO MY ONLY BROTHER'S WEDDING!" Sirius yelled back pissed off by the fact he wasn't invited. Barty told the aurors to drag him to the back room and Regulus in tail. Then Sirius pushed the aurors of him. "Well, maybe the reason for that's because, oh, I don't know, SINCE YOU LEFT REGULUS WHEN HE NEEDED YOU, HIS SO CALLED 'BIG BROTHER'!" Barry said, furious of him even asking that question. Sirius, obviously offended, said. "How dare you even say that when you know nothing, I was always with him no matter what i-" Sirius was cut off. "But yet, everything was on me since the so-called 'heir' was nothing of what he was taught. You know if you did what you were told neither me nor you would be traumatized but no always thinking about when you would leave and go make a new family to replace the one you broke when you couldn't just be what they wanted then be free with money not broke, or a blood trailer." Sneered Regulus. Sirius, on the verge of crying, spoke back. "I need to leave Reggie. I couldn't stay there, and yes, I know I should have taken you, but that would've not worked out since the potters were your ex lovers' house. I-i couldn't risk it." Sirius said, lowering his head in shame.

Regulus stifled a laugh but ended up laughing and laughing, not stopping any time soon. Sirius was to say the surprised of everyone. Barty looked at him, knowing he was sad even if he was laughing. "I-i-i *haha* suppose your right *haha, haha* James would've lost his mind with me their and I should thank you really for leaving. I finally found love and a family." Regulus said softly as he put a hand on his stomach. Which Sirius just notice is bigger then the flat stomach he knew before was now a round oval size but was not as big as other pregnant woman of 8 months his looks of 4 months a small but round stomach. Sirius froze when he realized. "Y-your p-p-pregnant?!" Surprised that he completely got over the wedding and onto the baby that would be his niece/nephew. "But you guys got together only 6 months ago unless the baby was before, but that can't be right since you were with.. j-James." Sirius realized it was James baby was about to blow, but then a wand was put to Sirius's head. A glowing white string was taken from his head. Barty and Regulus looked to where it came from to see... "Mum!" Both of them said, looking to mrs. Crouch holding Sirius memory of Regulus stomach. "Next time, dears try to be prepared?" Mrs.Crouch said, handing them the pensieve. "Oh and Barty, go to the aisle to continue the wedding." Barty fixed his suit and then kissed Regulus's cheek before leaving. Regulus mumbled a spell to soothe the wrinkles in the dress. *Sighs* 'okay Reggie you got this. Let's do this. "Pandora, tell the girls to go down now." Pandora pooped her head in. "On it, Reggie, but what about Sirius?" Regulus looked back, completely forgetting him. "He wanted to be here, so we'll leave him."

"Do you Regulus Arcturus Black take Bartemius Crouch Jr as your husband." said the priest. "I do with all my heart." Regulus started to cry. "And do you Bartemius take Regulus as your wife?"
"I do, I really do!" Barty said getting too excited "Then I pronounce you married, you m-" Before he can finish Barty kissed Regulus deeply. "NOW LETS GO TO THE PARTY!" Barty raced out the venue while carrying Regulus bridal style. "I love you Barty Crouch Black." Regulus said. "And I love you Regulus Crouch Black." They kissed again with more passion and went to continue their blissful life.

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