00; 𝑩𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒉 𝑶𝒇 𝑳𝒊𝒇𝒆

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My first memory was the cold feeling of water surrounding my body

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My first memory was the cold feeling of water surrounding my body.

The sky was clear that day, the warm sun being the centre of attention in the vast blue ocean above.

The birds sang in the trees, their melodies tickling my ears and bringing forth a peaceful atmosphere.

The moment I gained sentience, I knew what my purpose was.

Fight to protect my brethren; that is my job.

Sitting up from the water I had formed in, I took a couple seconds to examine my surroundings.

What I was met with was not the beautiful forest I was expecting.

The air was tainted with a foul odour I was unable to identify; the stench coming from the mass of grey structures that lay before me.

I was situated in a small forest of some kind, the water I was in being an unnatural shape with koi fish living inside.

By the smell, I came to the conclusion that I was in a human's territory.

By my current knowledge, I was in the understanding that humans and fairies lived separately.

But somehow, I was born right in the middle of a human den.

"Hey! Who's there?"

My ear twitched at the voice, their tone letting me know that they were wary of my presence; understandably.

Getting to my feet, I unravelled my wings and stretched them out, briefly ignoring the person behind me.

'I have to find the others, but I can't pick up any traces of fairies nearby.'

"I asked who you were! Answer me or I'll call the police!"

'Ah right, the human.'

Turning around, I met the eyes of an older male, his aged face set into a suspicious glare for a moment before forming into...shock?

"Y-You...are you perhaps...a fairy?"

Tilting my head, I became a tad confused.

Has he never seen a fairy before? We may live separately but humans and fairies have always known about each other.

"Yes." I fluttered my wings a little in emphasis, the man taking a small step back at my answer.

Suddenly, his mood switched to a more lighthearted one, the human holding his hand out towards me.

"My my, I've never seen one in person. You're as...beautiful as they say..."

Frowning a bit, a churning feeling developed in my abdomen.

I had to get away.

As if he could tell, the moment I tried to fly, something shot out of his outstretched hand and wrapped around my body, squeezing me like a snake.

"To think that a fairy would appear right before my eyes." The human chuckled, stalking closer to my struggling form. "Judging by your eyes, I'd say you were a combat fairy. You'll sell for a lot of money for sure."

'Sell? This human wants to sell me?'

"As if I'd let you sell me!" I snarled, a shadow spear forming in the air and aiming between his eyes.

Then, something had wrapped around my left wing, distracting me.

I didn't have time to question what was happening, because before I knew it, my wing was torn messily from my body.

Sharp waves of pain pulsed through my veins, a mix between a sob and a scream being forced from my throat as I collapsed on the ground, writhing in agony.

'What the hell...did he do to me?' I held in my cries, pushing past the pain to raise my head.

The man now stood like a tower above me, my wing held in his hand as he smirked victoriously down at me.

Immediately I made a grab for it, my fingers brushing against my shimmering appendage before I was stopped by another wave of agony, his fist that clenched around my wing being the cause.

"Don't even think about it." He hummed. "I hold your life in my hands now."

I glared up at him, breathing heavily through my nose.

"I have absolute authority over you."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2023 ⏰

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