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3rd Person

Peter holds Simone. Isaac and Sage are next to them. "I thought she was you." Peter puts his ear to her chest. "It was supposed to be you. Can't you do something?" Peter puts Simone's hands on her chest. "She's dead." Sage says at tear falling down her face Isaac sits back against the door and seems to curl up into himself. Peter scoops Simone in his arms and stands up. He walks over to the bed and puts her down on the covers. He looks at her for a moment. Isaac glares at him and Sage sobs

"It's your fault." Isaac says and  Peter turns around. "You did this." Isaac fires. The bullet misses Peter. Peter ducks and runs. Isaac fires again. Peter holds Sage and turns invisible as he dashes across the room. A painting tilts off its easel and clatters to the floor. The sounds of movement and footsteps travel around the room. A chair turns. The front door pushes back as Peter and Sage leave the studio.


The two agents leave the office. The door shuts behind them. Nathan gets up and turns around. Peter and Sage are sitting in the office. "How long have you been working with the FBI?"

"Since Heidi's accident. I'm gonna take Linderman down for a long time, Peter." Peter gets up and walks toward Nathan. "I thought I could be a hero and save the world. Instead, I just killed —" Peter stifles a sob. Nathan sees the blood on Peter's cheek. Sage is just in shock, sobbing and looking at the two brothers

"What's that? That's not your blood, is it?"

"No. Simone. Isaac shot her. She's dead. She's dead."

"Did you call the police?"

"No." Sage says with a light hiccup "Okay, here's what's gonna happen. I'm gonna make an anonymous phone call. Okay? You'll have had absolutely nothing to do with it."

"But I did. She's dead because of me. I don't — I don't know what to do." Sage looks at him with shock and fear. She walks back towards Nathan "That's just it, you don't do anything. Do you understand? This is not the time for you to get noble. Okay? Just stay with me." Peter turns away from Nathan. "I can't. I can't. As long as I'm alive, everyone around me is in danger."

Nathan calmly walks over to Peter and puts a hand on his shoulder. "Suresh. We can call Suresh, okay? He can study you. He can — He's working on a cure."

"Isn't it too late for that?" There's a knock on the door. Nathan puts up a finger to Peter to stay. "Wait." Nathan turns around. The door opens. "Sir, you have your flight to Vegas." Says his campaign manager "Just tell the driver to wait." When Nathan turns back, Peter and Sage are gone. The back door creaks open. "Peter! Sage!" Nathan looks out the door, but doesn't see him.


Claire stands in front of a closed door. She checks her slip of paper and knocks on the door. The door opens. Claire looks at her piece of paper. "I'm sorry, I hope I have the right address. I'm looking for a Peter Petrelli."

"You picked a terrible time to do that. Peter's not here just now. You may as well come inside, Claire."She steps aside and Claire enters the apartment. She slams the door and glances behind her. The Haitian steps out and speaks to Angela in French
Angela turns back and looks at Claire. "Who are you?"

"I'm your grandmother. And I've been trying to protect you, but you haven't made that very easy. Quite stubborn, aren't you? Just like your father."



Peter first left Sage at his apartment the goes to Suresh's. It's completely dark inside the apartment. The IV stand is down on the ground. Someone knocks insistently on the front door. "Suresh?"
He says through the door. The door opens, pushing the overturned chair out of the way. Peter steps into the dark apartment.

"Suresh?" Peter ask once more He looks around. "It's Peter Petrelli." He announces but There's no answer. He looks around.
"Mohinder?" He continues looking around the apartment and walks near the wall map. Something hits him on his head and he scratches his head absently. He looks at his fingers and more blood drops on his face, hitting him over his eye. He rubs it away with the back of his hand and looks up. Mohinder is bleeding and pinned to the ceiling.

"Sylar." Mohinder whispers. Peter looks around. He turns around and comes face to face with Sylar. "I remember you." He telekinetically pushes Peter up against the wall, pinning him there. He grabs Peter's chin and looks at him. "You're like me, aren't you. So is your little girlfriend?"

He turns Peter's head this way and that as he looks him over. "I'd like to see how that works." He brings up his finger and starts slicing Peter's forehead. Peter screams. Blood drips down into his eyes. Blood drips to the floor. A lock of Peter's hair falls to the floor.

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