Chapter Eight

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"If there were no thunder, men would have little fear of lightning."

- Jules Verne

"Is your hand okay?" he asked. They were laying on the grass, star-gazing.

Rose held up her fist and checked her knuckles. "I'd be more worried about his face." she chuckled. "Bloody wanker."

"I'll try and steer clear of the Tyler wrath from now on." the Doctor turned his head to look at her. "You fucked him up pretty badly."

Rose's eyelids flung open in shock. She stood and gaped at him.

"What?" he asked.

"Never heard you swear before."

"Never say never ever." he smiled at her and stood as well. "Rose..."

"It's okay."

"It's not."

Rose nodded. "You're right. It's not. I shouldn't have yelled. I'm sorry."

"No, it was my fault. I shouldn't have pinned it on you. I was an idiot."

She snorted. "Say that again."

"I was an idiot."

Rose laughed.

"No, I was." he continued. "I was a complete idiot. I should've known you wouldn't have done what you did if there was another way. I guess I was just...embarrassed."

"Of what?"

"Myself. I was scared. I genuinely believed you had all my memories. I was scared you'd leave because of them."

"Doctor." she stepped towards him and searched his eyes. "I made my choice a long time ago, and I'm never gonna leave you. Remember?"

The Doctor revelled in the feel of her gaze upon him; he felt exposed, as if she were staring into his soul; but at the same time there was warmth and light in it.

"Rose Tyler." he extended a hand. "Would you do me the honour and accept this dance?"

Rose furrowed her brows. "What? Here?"

"Yes. Here."

"But there's no music."

"When's that ever stopped us before?" he wiggled his fingers.

Rose beamed at him. She placed her palm into his and he grasped her, intertwining their fingers; his other hand rested on her hip and Rose placed her cheek on his chest, listening to his hearts. He leaned his head forwards, smelling the shampoo of her hair; and they swayed like that. No music, just the sound of night-life creatures and the cold glow of the Moon that embraced them.

Rose's free hand curled around the back of his neck and he made a deep sound in his throat. His fingers moved from her hip to her back, where he caressed her, drawing circles up and down. When he reached the back of her head, he let his hand sink into her hair, and he tugged gently so he could look at her face.

A shiver made its presence down her spine.

They stared at each other. Her eyes followed the curve of his eyes, cheeks, nose and lips. It lingered there for longer until she snapped back to his brown pools. The Doctor licked his bottom lip, heartbeat increasing with each passing second. He leaned in slowly, very very slowly. She could feel his breath against her mouth so she'd slightly part her lips.

"You fucking bitch!" John yelled from behind as he made his way towards them, an ice-pack over his eye.

The Doctor smiled and took her hand. "Run!"

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