𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭. 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞

412 22 2

Kendra ate dinner at the Cullens like they said they would, but she ate on her own, the Cullens sitting with her and making it a get to know each other thing.

The Cullens had never actually just sat down together and talked, and it was nice. Even when they were getting to know Kendra better. Emmett listening very closely — he wanted to know everything about her. Whether it was just the smalls things, like when she gets uncomfortable about a topic — her parents for example.

"Can we do a family game night?" Kendra asks, they all turn to her either confused or with a skeptical look on their faces. "What's family game night?" Edward asks. Kendra sighs at this — they're definitely old school — "Shut up." Edward says, "Oh yeah.." she trails off, forgetting Edward could read minds.

"You know what. No. You shut up before I come over there." Kendra threatens, remembering why she was mad at him earlier, "Yep. Nope. I'll keep quiet." Edward says, raising his hands in defense.

"Anyways, do you guys have like a wii or something?" Kendra asks, turning to the other family members, "Yeah." Emmett nods, "We have Mario kart." He adds on. Kendra smiles, "Great. That'll work." Kendra says, running off. "Wait! Where's the Wii?" She calls back, "Living room." Esme calls after her.

"Thank you!" She calls back, running to the living room, hurrying to set everything up before the Cullens make it to the living room. But who's she kidding — they have super speed.

Emmett plops himself down on the couch beside her, waiting for whatever it was she was wanting to work, work. Slowly the rest of the Cullen Family enters the room, Edward entering last and staying farthest from Kendra.

"Alright. So, family game night is basically where a family plays a game together.. to spend time together." Kendra explains, "Have you and your family ever had one?" Esme asks. Kendra shrugs, "Well, Bella and I kinda did. But we'd just play just dance for a couple hours when we ended up home alone. We called it sister night." Kendra tells them.

Everyone gives her a sad smile, but Emmett slightly smiles, knowing she'll marry into the big family they had created.


Kendra had fallen asleep on the couch, her head leaning on Emmett's shoulder as they were squished together.

Emmett doesn't say much as he picks her up off the couch and begins to leave the room. "Hey where are you taking her?" Damien asks, the older brother mode turning on as he follows Emmett.

"To bed." Emmett answers simply as he continues to carry the girl, she lets out a soft groan, her arms wrapping around Emmett's neck. "Em?" Kendra asks, "Yes?" Emmett answers.

"Where are you taking me?" She mumbles, "My room. To sleep." "MmmMm." She hums in agreement, Damien finally stopping in his tracks as he realizes his sister is in good hands and he can relax.

Kendra cuddles closer to him, sighing as she does so. Emmett pushes open his door, letting it close behind him as he walks up to his huge, California king bed. Placing Kendra in the bed, he pulls a blanket up over her.

Once done, he turns to leave the room, only for Kendra to stop him by grabbing his hand. "Stay, please." She mumbles, "Ok, ok. I will." Emmett tells her, glad he was wearing sweatpants. Climbing into his bed, Kendra cuddles up to him, loving the coolness he was letting off.


Kendra had ended up eating her lunch in the library so that she didn't have to deal with all the loud noises while she was studying. An arm wrapping around her shoulders startles her out of her studying trance, turning to the person she sighs in relief. It's Emmett.

Rosalie and Damien joining. Kendra looks up, smiling at them, "Hi." She says with a little awkward wave. Rosalie smiles at the girl's awkwardness, "Hey."

"What're you studying?" Damien asks, taking a seat across from Emmett. "English. Like usual." Kendra tells him, shrugging her shoulders. "Says the sophomore taking junior classes?" Alice asks, making her presence known to the table.

"Sorry for being late. We were talking to Edward, but he left us." She shrugs, taking a seat, not even giving the food she had just thrown away another look. "What if I wanted that?" Kendra asks, looking at the trash longingly.

"I didn't think you'd want an apple." Alice tells her, "But Damien thought you'd want this." Rosalie tells her, pulling out two different bags and a water. One bag had orange slices while the other had a couple of cookies.

"Ahh." Kendra squeals excitedly, immediately apologizing to the other students in the room for her noise. Thanking Rosalie, Kendra goes for the orange slices first, "I love you." She mumbles with her mouth full.

Damien chuckles, "Ok, why don't you chew with your mouth shut." He tells her pointedly, she nods, enjoying another orange slice.

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