𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐞. 𝐬𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞

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Kendra sat beside Bella as the girl had complained about them not hanging out in a while. She pulled the sister card — which meant Kendra had to cancel all her plans and go hangout with her sister, but, the only catch to their little rule is they can only use it if it's been 3 days since they last hung out.

And it had been just the right amount of days for Kendra to have to do this, canceling her date with Emmett, quickly explaining the situation. In turn Emmett just encouraged the girl to go have fun, even taker his card if she wanted — she turned it down. Surprisingly.

But the one place Kendra hadn't expected Bella to get her to go is a boutique to look for dresses. Bella pulls a Mapquest print-out from her purse -- it reads, 'Thunderbird and Whale Book Store.' Jessica flounces out of the changing room, posing provocatively. "I think this halter makes my boobs look big. What do you think, girls?" She asks, turning back to the two sisters.

Jessica turns back to the mirror as Kendra begins to hype up the girl. Outside the window, a group of rowdy frat boys head toward a bar. Two of them stare at Jessica in her low-cut dress. Embarrassed, she turns back to Kendra and Bella.

"Bella?" Jessica asks, "It looks great." Bella tells the girl absently. Jessica rolls her eyes, "You said that about the last five dresses."

Angela looks at the girl empathetically, "You're not very good at this, are you?" She asks, Bella shakes her head slightly, "Maybe I should just go check out the book store and meet you at the restaurant later." Bella tells them

"You sure?" Angela asks, "Leave your sister. She's a great hype woman." Jessica comments playfully, a small smile on her face. Bella rolls her eyes, "Nuh-uh. I used the sister card for this. She's coming with me."

Kendra chuckles as the two girls jokingly fight over her. Ultimately Bella wins tho, leading Kendra out of the Boutique.


The two sisters had just finished their time in the book store, Kendra had gotten a book that she had been dying to read since she saw it online, she was lucky to find it there. It was their last one in stock.

Kendra and Bella both exit the door, thumbing through the books they just bought. The duo head down the sidewalk, but then hear footsteps behind them. Bella turns, but doesn't see anyone. Bella sighs, putting the book in her shoulder bag, Kendra handing Bella her book since it wasn't going to fit in Kendra's purse.

Kendra takes a second, looking around, she felt like she was being watched. Grabbing Bella by the hand, they change course to cut across a parking lot.

Feeling her breathing get shorter and shorter, Kendra keeps her hand on Bella and tries to continue walking but Bella stops and turns around as two men emerge from the shadows, not vampires, but the frat boys, really wasted now.

"Wanna beer?" One of them ask the two, Kendra looks to her left; the other two guys are there. They're cornered. Bella takes her purse from around her shoulder, "Look, just take my bag." She says, holding it out for them.

"We don't want your bag." One of the others tells them, Kendra and Bella take a defensive stance — Bella wraps the strap around her wrist to use her purse as a mace, while Kendra had taken karate lessons a while back, but she still remembers the half of it.

When the frat boy that asked about the beer comes near Bella, she swings it and hits him in the groin. The book in her bag doubles him over.

Another one comes for Kendra, only to be kicked back hard in the gut, making the boy double over in pain, about to puke up all the alcohol he had drank in the last 30 minutes.

The other two laugh, and start to close in. But suddenly - two pairs of headlights blind them. A silver Volvo screeches up, a dark green jeep right beside it. The Frat Boys dive out of the way, the two driver side doors open, revealing Edward and Emmett.

"Get in." Edward demands, going around and opening the door, once Bella finally does, Emmett's leading Kendra back to the passenger side of his jeep. Shutting the door behind him, the two frat boys left standing begin to try and fight Emmett and Edward.

With just a couple a seconds, the frat boys take off running, yelling for their moms. Kendra sighs, she hadn't even watched what had happened, just sunk into Emmett's passenger seat. She felt sick.

Emmett gets into the driver side, seeing his scared and exhausted girlfriend in the seat beside him, he sighs. Leaning over, he buckles Kendra up, "Have you eaten?" Emmett asks, backing away from the alley behind the warehouses.

Kendra shakes her head no, "I really don't want to go sit in a restaurant either." She says, her head was hurting her, she was just now coming down from the adrenaline. Emmett nods, going to suggest going through a drive thru, "And no fast food. I might just puke it up." She says once again, shaking her head.

"Do you want me to text Esme to see if she'd cook you something?" Emmett asks, Kendra nods softly, "please." She begs quietly. It goes silent in the car, not an awkward silence, a comfortable silence as Emmett texts Esme.

"I just want you to hold me." Kendra states, Emmett chuckles slightly. "I will, when I know you're safe." He tells her, insistently keeping his eyes on the road.


After finding out that Waylon Forge had died, Kendra got a ride with Carlisle as he went down to the police station to examine the body. Kendra knew her dad would need someone there, she just didn't know how badly he did.

After Charlie and Carlisle had examined the photographs and evidence, Kendra walked back in as Carlisle passed her, letting her know it was safe to go in — she hadn't wanted to see the pictures.

"Dad?" Kendra asks quietly, letting him know she was there, "I'm sorry." She says, wrapping her arms around his neck from behind, trying to give him some kind of comfort. He sighed, patting Kendra's arm carefully, "Thanks, honey." He says, looking back at her. He seemed as if he was going to cry — but he wouldn't do it in front of her or Bella.

At the sound of footsteps, the two both turn and look at Bella as she walks towards them, "Dad, I'm sorry about Waylon." She tells him sincerely.

"Known him going on thirty years." Charlie says, Kendra could still tell he was about to cry, she looks over at Bella, giving her look to try and comfort their father. Bella isn't quite sure what to do, so she puts a comforting hand on his shoulder.

Charlie reaches up and squeezes Bella's hand. The man before them rises, making both their hands fall off of him, then projects a confident manner.

"We'll get to the bottom of this, girls. But in the meantime..." he trails off as an ambulance pulls up outside, he opens a drawer, finds two canisters of pepper spray. "... I want you to have this." He tells them, holding them out for them.

"That's probably not a good—" Bella tries to say, but Charlie cuts her off, "It'll give me some peace of mind." Charlie tells them, the two see he needs this and him to put it into their purses.

As Charlie goes to get his coat, Bella and Kendra step outside to see - two attendants hoist a metal gurney into an ambulance. On it, Waylon's dead, white, bloody bare feet peek out from under a sheet, resting at a disturbingly unnatural angle.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22 ⏰

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