𝐬𝐢𝐱. 𝐛𝐥𝗼𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐫

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Kendra had made it home. She was sitting in the living room, hoping she'd get a call from Bella,  asking Kendra where she was, telling her what happened all of that. Kendra had just decided to turn on the tv when she got a phone call. It was an unknown number. Maybe it's the hospital... Quickly muting the tv, Kendra answers the phone, putting her phone to her ear, "Hello?" Kendra asks, not exact sure who it was.

"Hey." Bella's voice comes in through the phone, "Bella." Kendra sighs, "Why aren't you home yet? And why are you calling off of a different number?" Kendra asks, putting on her act.

"Umm.. I'm in the hospital. There was an accident. I'm fine, but dads on the way. And I'm calling on my doctors phone, which by the way thank you Dr. Cullen." Bella finishes, looking at the doctor, "No problem." Kendra hears faintly.

And from what Kendra assumed, and if she was correct that is, Carlisle could head her, and her heart beat. "Ahh, Dr. Cullen, huh?" Kendra teases, Bella rolling her eyes, "Yea." Bella says, "Edwards adopted dad?" Kendra continues, Bella nods, "Yep."

"Alright, seriously, are you okay?" Kendra asks, taking the time to make sure Bella was actually ok, "Yea, I'm good. Not even a scratch." Bella tells Kendra, looking down at her arms and seeing no scratches or bruises. Nothing.

"Ok, do you want me to come to the hospital?" Kendra asks, folding her arms as she speaks into the phone. Bella shakes her, "No. dads on his way. And if we're not there in an hour I'm dead. From the over protectiveness." Bella tells her jokingly. Kendra chuckles, "Alright. Well, I'll see you soon." Kendra says, "Bye." Bella says, hanging up the phone.

Kendra removes her phone from her ear and setting it down on the coffee table. Now if Kendra's theory was correct, she'd be getting a call in 3.... 2.... 1....

And just like that, her phone started to ring. Picking up the phone and placing it to her ear. It was the same unknown number. "Hello?" Kendra answers, "Hello. This is Dr Cullen. And I'm here on with a couple of my children who filled me in on what's happened today. We know the truth." Carlisle says, "And I want to invite you to dinner." He finishes, looking at his kids.

"Though you won't be eating dinner, will you?" Kendra asks. She has figured it out through out the time that Bella would tell her everything about her day. Bella was Edwards blood singer, and then Edward getting to Bella today was just the Cherry on top. "No. And I'm guessing you've figured out why as well." Kendra nods, "Yep."

Carlisle smiles at his children, "Well, what about coming over to talk? Is tomorrow good for you?" Carlisle asks, "That's good for me." Kendra tells them, "Great, we'll see you tomorrow. After school. We have a lot to tell." Carlisle says, looking at four of his kids. Alice, Emmett, Damien, and Rosalie.


Bella and Kendra stand in the exact spot of the accident. Behind the two on the lawn, several classes congregate, gathering for a field trip. Which Mr. Molina is in charge. "Make sure I get your permission slips." He yells for everyone to hear him.

But Bella wasn't listening. No. She was staring at the skid marks on the pavement... "Stop it." Kendra says, bumping hops with Bella. "You're fine now." Kendra tells her.

Bella nods. But Kendra knew that wasn't what she was thinking about. She was thinking about Edward. "I know. But how did Edward get from where over there to beside me in seconds?" Bella asks, looking at her sister, "I don't know." Kendra shrugs.

Kendra actually did know that answer. She just couldn't let Bella know that. If Bella found out on her own, then Kendra wouldn't be as mad. But she'd be pissed if she let on that she knew about it.

Spotting Alice, and seeing her wave, Kendra waves back. "Hey, ummm... I gotta go talk to Alice." Kendra says, "About what?" Bella asks as Kendra is continuing to walk towards Alice, "English stuff." Kendra answers back, a slight smile on her face as she sees her sister shocked face.

Kendra gets to Alice's side, who was walking to Mr. Molina, to turn in her permission slip. "So I was thinking I could use you as an excuse to let me come over to your house." Kendra says, looking at Alice who nods, greeting the teacher and handing in her slip. And then walking away from him and the students surrounding him so they could have more privacy.

"For English? Sure." Alice asks, then instantly nods her head, "Are you still going to need my help in English?" Alice asks, looking up at her. Hoping that they hadn't stopped being friends for Slice being what she was. Kendra sucks on her teeth, thinking it through. Though she already knew her answer.

Kendra nods, looking to Alice, "Definitely." Kendra says, a giggle leaving Alice, and a smile appearing on Kendra's face. "Now, come meet some of the rest of the family." Alice says, dragging Kendra over to some of her siblings.

And once Kendra got stood up straight, Jasper felt as if he was at ease. He couldn't smell blood, whatsoever. "How do you do that?" Jasper asks, looking at Kendra, "Do what?" Kendra asks confused, not really knowing what he meant.

"Make.. everything just stop." He says, emphasizing on the everything part, "Oh." Kendra nods, "I basically put up this shield that keeps me from accidentally getting into someone's head, their emotions. All that." Kendra whispers, knowing they could all hear her. "And when I get around other supernaturals it... allows them to block it out without even knowing it." Kendra explains whispering some parts of course.

Kendra and the Cullens walk over to the bus, and climb on. Alice and Kendra sat together in a seat while Jasper and Emmett sit in a seat.

The four all knew a lot was about to go down at dinner, but the Cullens knew that they had a lot more to explain. But for now. Kendra would continue to enjoy Alice's company. She was nice, and Kendra definitely knew Alice had no intentions on hurting her.

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