𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞. 𝐠𝐥𝗼𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐛𝐥𝐮𝐞

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In the Swan home, it's neater, rearranged more attractively. Clearly, Bella and Kendra had given it their touch. Kendra and Bella sweep through, one of the girls folding Charlie's fleece jacket, straightening up.

Both girls look around the room they were currently in, making sure it didn't look as bad, grabbing their bags, "Dad, we're heading out." Bella calls to her father.

As the sisters exit their new home, Bella stops in her tracks, dismay filling her. It's pouring down rain --the yard is full of puddles, some frozen. Bella shivers, and wraps her coat tight around her for warmth. Meanwhile, Kendra has this huge smile on her face as she looks out at the rain— though it was practically sleet for how cold it was.

"Great." Bella mutters, Kendra giggling at her sister, bumping Bella with her elbow, Kendra says, "Lighten up Bella, it'll all be fine." The atrocious, in Kendra's words, truck pulls into the driveway, Charlie driving it.

Kendra was definitely not for that. She liked the fancier things. Depending on what it is. Now food... that's a whole mother story. Because Kendra would eat chicken nuggets everyday if she could.

"Dad, I can drive myself to school." Bella tells her father, walking down the steps, that is until she accidentally steps on a patch of ice and slips and falls. Kendra tries not to laugh, and make her sister more awkward in this situation. Kendra walks down the steps, careful not to slip on the patch.

Charlie climbs out of the truck, joining the two girls as Kendra attempts to help Bella up without falling. Charlie having to help. "You okay, Bells?" Charlie asks, looking down at his daughter. Bella slightly nods, "Ice doesn't help the uncoordinated." Bella says, looking up at her father after dusting herself off.

"That's why I got you new tires." Charlie tells his oldest daughter, the two look over at the truck -- and yep, four new tires. "The other ones were nearly bald." Charlie tells Bella, turning to his youngest, "And I checked yours, they're fine, but still, be careful." Charlie tells her. Kendra nods to him, a grin on her face.

"You got me new tires. No one's ever done that before." Bella says, Charlie looks at her, confused. "I mean..." Bella trails off, she shakes her head, "nothing."

He clearly doesn't get it as heads toward his Cruiser. "I'll be late for dinner. I'm heading down to Mason County. A security guard at the Grisham Mill got killed by some kind of animal..."

"An animal?" Bella asks, looking over at her father, while Kendra just carefully walks to her car, trying to to step on any of the ice patches on the driveway. She knew there were animals here. She saw a deer from the school campus.

"You're not in Phoenix any more, honey. They've been hunting it for a week with no luck. Thought I'd lend a hand." Charlie tells his daughters, Kendra nods, "Be careful." The two girls chorus on accident, the two share a look, while their father just chuckles at them. "Always am." He tells the two

"And thank you. For the tires." Bella says as Kendra gets into her car, waving to both Bella and Charlie, she heads for the school. Knowing she'd be the first Swan to arrive.


It was officially the last hour of the day. Something Kendra was extremely nervous for. Her first test. Everyone had already had their first test, and since Kendra's new, this is her first test in the class.

But since the help from Alice, and a little help from Emmett, she had faith that she could at least make a C. If it was higher, she'd be ecstatic. Kendra was just rooting to pass.

Mr Gray had already laid the tests out on the table, the class entering before the tardy bell. "You can begin at the bell." Mr Gray tells everyone, sitting back down in his seat. And Kendra's anxiety had already started, her leg shaking as she nervously bites on her nail, not actually biting it off.

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