Chapter 35

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Everly ~

Ronan exploded into my room, lunging for the black smoke, despite the fact that Kaes had long since vanished.

Quickly turning his attention to me, Ronan gripped both sides of my face, manipulating my head in his hands as he searched for injuries.

"He hurt you?" Ronan growled, his eyes scanning me desperately.

"Internally." I said, causing Ronan's face to twist and his scowl to deepen.

Realizing I'd chosen my words poorly, I tapped at my own temple, indicating that Kaes had violated my thoughts, not my body. Not that it mattered to My mate.

"I suppose when I allowed the free flowing of the bond, it made me susceptible to...others."

"I knew he'd be this way." Ronan huffed, dropping his hands from my face.

"Kaes said he could train me to allow you in while blocking others out. It will just take practice." I soothed while Ronan fumed.

"Arrogant bastard." Ronan growled.

"We can find someone else to train you. If Kaes can't respect you then he can..."

Giving Ronan a smile, I reached up and gently tilted his chin down toward me, pulling his attention away from his furious thoughts.

"Kaes is harmless." I soothed.

Ronan's expression became cold and he held my gaze with a stare so intense I almost had to look away.

"That's exactly what he'd like you to think."

I heard his words of warning, but my senses focused my attention elsewhere. Ronan's familiar scent enveloped me and the feeling of his hands on my skin was electric.

"You're right." My words were soft and mild.

"What?" Ronan snapped in disbelief.

"I said, you're right. Kaes isn't harmless."

Arching a brow at me, Ronan let me know just how skeptical he was of my lack of defiance.

"But you were also right when you said that we needed him. We need him." I reiterated, placing my hand gently on his forearm.

Ronan's eyes darted down to my hand that rested softly on his arm, a small reminder that we were mates, not enemies.

"I'll talk to him." He grumbled with a stern expression before lifting my chin with his knuckle until our eyes met. "We may need his help, but I won't allow him to disrespect you."

The harsh words put a smile on my face and I could feel how deeply his protective instincts ran. They thrummed and echoed down the bond, radiating toward me like heat from a fire.

"Thank you." I hummed, my chin still resting on his knuckle.

Receiving a subtle nod in return, Ronan released his hold on me and stepped away, moving toward the door.

"Are you sleeping in here tonight?" He asked as if the question was painful.

Uneasiness settled in my gut as my mind started to overanalyze his words.

If I had my way I would never leave that bed of his in the other room, but is he asking because he needs some space?

Was it an invitation or...something else.

Studying him was useless and his expression gave me little information. His posture was tense and his mind seemed just as confused and troubled as my own.

Veiled Light: Book 1 of Wicked Virtues SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now