Chapter 39

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The day dragged on with hours of planning and strategizing for various scenarios which was mentally exhausting. I finally excused myself to bed, trying to close the gates of my mind to make the room as quiet as possible in hopes to find sleep.

Ronan informed me that he would most likely not be coming to bed until the early morning hours, but I was too tired to wait for him. The bed was soft and my pillow welcomed me. It was only a matter of minutes before sleep enveloped my tired body.

Feeling like my eyes had only closed for a second or two, I felt an icy chill down my spine that forced my lids to open again. Trying to find the source of the chill, I searched the bedroom only to find that I was no longer in Ronan's bed, or his castle for that matter.

The ground I layed on was black and cold, leaving marks on my white night gown as I slowly rose to my feet in confusion.

Where am I?

Bells could be heard in the distance and I followed them for reasons I did not understand. It was obvious that I was dreaming, but my mother always told me that there is much to be learned from dreams and this one was vivid and loud.

Crowds of dark figures gathered in what looked to be a cathedral of some sort and I joined them, letting my gaze follow theirs as they awaited something or someone. This world was shrouded in darkness and the creatures around me were not human.

This is only a dream. You are dreaming Everly.

I tried comforting myself in the sea of evil beings, thanking my lucky stars that they had not noticed me within the crowd. Hushed voices pulled my attention toward the back of the cathedral and I maneuvered my small body between the tall demonic looking humans who surrounded me.

The doors opened with a crash as someone entered the room with loud angry footsteps. All heads turned in his direction, bowing with respect as the warrior parted the crowd.


His white hair and pale skin were unmistakable against his black battle leathers. Dark inked markings crept up his neck and jaw as he parted the sea of people with hatred in his eyes. His powerful steps commanded every eye in the room to follow him and while they seemed to scramble out of his way in fear for their lives, I found the sight of him almost comforting.

My feet moved before I could stop them, carrying me toward Kaes as he walked into the cathedral.

Kaes, wait. What is this place?

Weaving through the crowd, my eyes did not leave Kaes as he approached the end of the great hall.

This isn't a cathedral at all. It's a throne room.

Pushing my way to the front of the crowd I tried to speak to Kaes as soon as I was within ear shot.

"Kaes." I pleaded, willing him to look at me or acknowledge my presence in any way.

When he did not my heart sank, but my disappointment was short lived when I saw a man approaching Kaes. He was draped in black linens and held something in his hand, but Kaes didn't view him as a threat.

The man raised his hands above Kaes head, producing a twisted assortment of black jagged metal that was woven into an intricate circle.

A crown.

Cheers erupted as it was placed atop Kaes' head, but he did not smile. There was no charismatic quips or smugness. Kaes stood in front of the crowd as a king...a ruthless, terrifying king.

The sound of cheers from the crowd made me jump and stumble as Kaes took a seat on a throne with a deep scowl on his face.

Lost in my own confusion, I recalled Kaes' words as he had spoken them to me in the past.
"I rule only because I do not choose to."

Kaes rules no lands. He commands no armies. Why am I dreaming of Kaes as a king. Why am I dreaming of Kaes at all?

Feeling a shift in the energy of the crowd, I noticed it had become hushed as Kaes rose from this throne and extended his arm toward an entrance to his right.

"My queen." Kaes said coldly.

My eyes followed the path of his hand and I craned my neck to get a better look at the woman who was to join Kaes on the throne.

By the Gods. Is

Unable to take in a breath, I watched a mirror image of myself appear. I wore leathers that matched Kaes' with dark inked markings along both my arms all the way up to my neck. The twisted pattern of the ink matching the crown that was settled on Kaes' head.

My lungs seized as Kaes motioned to the impostor who looked malicious and cruel as she approached him. Taking a seat on his lap she gazed upon the sea of onlookers, her mouth curling into a sadistic grin at their fear.

Matching her energy, Kaes' sly feline-like grin tugged at the corner of his mouth. He harshly grabbed his queen's jaw before dragging his tongue up the side of her neck. Cheers exploded throughout the room and I stumbled backwards fading into the crowd as the imposter queen delivered a deep sensual kiss that had the people roaring with approval yet again.

Wake up, Everly.

I begged myself to rise, but it was no use. I was invisible and trapped in the dark hellscape wondering why I recognized nothing. There was nothing familiar here - not even myself.

Falling to the ground that seemed to be made of black obsidian, covered my face, trying to avoid being stepped on. I braced for impact as the crowd surged, but to my surprise, I felt nothing.

I reached for a bystander to help regain my footing, but my hand went straight through his arm as if it was made of mist.

No one had noticed me. No one could feel me or hear me. I was an invisible bystander in a dream that I did not understand.

It was then that I reached a sudden and terrifying conclusion.

This is not my dream. I am witnessing someone else's thoughts.

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Veiled Light: Book 1 of Wicked Virtues SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now