volume 1 💋 chapter 6

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IM BACK AFTER MONTHS WITH SMUT there will be 2 parts, this is part one.

Also let's ignore the fact that i disappeared for months and some people thought the story was over pls. Note that this chapter was a little rushed and its unedited so if there's spelling mistakes I'll fix those when I get to editing this.



One thing I absolutely love about this man, is how he NEVER fails to show me how much he wants - no, how much he needs me. And honestly that's what I want. I don't want some man who acts like he doesn't give a fuck about me just to play hard to get. I want a man on his knees begging for me type of thing. If he doesn't show me he wants me, I'm out.

But with Wooin OHHH I never worry about that, and today I decided to set my worries free.

He held my hand as we walked inside his apartment, this sweet and kind gesture was cute , in comparison to what he did to me as soon as we got inside. He locked his door and I bent over to take off my shoes.

"What a view y/n" he smirked from behind me , I quickly took them off and tossed them aside. I stare at him , hard , not ashamed of how much attention I was currently paying to him. He licked his bottom lip, and I could no longer resist anymore.

"I've never wanted a man as badly as I want you" I walked up to him and placed my arms around his neck, our faces getting closer by the second. Our lips inches apart.

"Now I feel special babe" he smirked "don't hide how much you want me"

I didn't.

Leaning closer, I kissed him, and his hands didn't hesitate to travel around my body, he went straight for my ass and grabbed it - hard. Not in a painful way , but in a way which told me he's wanted to do that for a long time. Perhaps he was attracted to me for much longer than I knew.

He kept a hand on my butt, meanwhile the other grabbed my chin and he deepened the kiss, his tongue in my mouth, his bulge poking me and- it was all too much at once and I moaned into the kiss. I felt him smirk, clearly proud of himself. He turned me around and I was now against the wall, perfect.

My arms till around his neck, I wrapped on leg around him and moved him closer to me, I just felt the need to be closer with him and his body. I wanted to feel more of him.

Wooin didn't waste any time before he was practically glued to me. We parted the kiss to catch our breath and oh what a sight. His lip piercing was glistening, his face was red and he was panting.

"You see my darling" he moved closer, I thought he was going to kiss my lips but instead, he moved towards my neck. I felt his hot breath on my neck and bit my lip "I happened to have read some of your messages with Joker. Don't worry, it will turn out good for you"

"Whatever do you mean four eyes?" I teased , but Wooin took this as a chance to show me that from now, he will be the one in control. He moved up from my neck, looked me in the eyes and harshly grabbed my chin.

"Don't insult me when you're so needy to fuck me" he spat, usually i dominate men most of the time, but fuck I was turned on. This was hot and I just knew if I was bratty , he would punish me and I would enjoy it.

"What do I call you then ? Short guy any better for you?" I responded , his grip gettinf tighter around my chin.

"When I tease you, edge you and fuck you senseless, im sure you'll know what to call me." His signature devilish smirk appeared on his face "I happen to know from your texts with Joker that you're particularly sensitive around.." his hand let go off my chin and he wrapped his hand around my neck "Here."

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