Volume 1 💋 Chapter 14

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Truth is, I missed him too.
A lot.

But I wasn't expecting him to ask to meet up. And when I say meet up I mean he showed up at my front door the afternoon the next day. I left Shelly's in the morning and I cleaned around the house for a bit. It was after I was done I got a reply from him, asking to meet up with me.

I mentioned being tired and not in the mood to leave my house or go somewhere far, I felt drained despite how much I miss him.

He was understanding and instead said , "I'll come to you this afternoon" I couldn't help but smile at the text. I was looking forward to seeing him, even if not for long.

Later that day he showed up at my door, and I looked at him and realised I missed him more than I let on. He still wore his signature glasses, and oh I missed the sharp look in his eyes. I missed him in general.

"Long time babe" he smiles at me , not in a seductive way like before, but it's a genuine sweet smile that creates a feeling of safety and warmth. At that moment, I felt like I could melt. He read my expression, though I'm sure my beaming smile was enough, he opened his arms and I jumped straight into them.

A couple of months ago, I'd think this made me look vulnerable and stupid, because back then, I rejected love and affection. But I'm slowly learning that I deserve it too, and it's not so bad.

"I missed you" I mumble into his chest "a lot"

He places a soft kiss on my cheek and puts me down on the floor , still holding onto my hands "I missed you even more you don't even know darling"

"You wanna come in?" I ask softly but my smile drops a bit when a slight frown makes way into his face.

"Look baby id love to but I can't stay long, I just came by because I miss you and I have something I'd like to ask you" he held my hand tighter and looked me deep in the eyes as though trying to read me.
"Would you like to go on a date with me?"

My face lit up but I tried not to let it show as I felt my cheeks flush a little. We have gone out a couple of times but never called it a date, just hanging out.
Occasionally fucking...

My silence makes him carry on "I probably shouldn't be asking you this, you're a bright and smart girl y/n and my work is dangerous, it would put you in danger too. But I'm a selfish man, I find myself unable to think about anything but you." He fixes his hand and looks away for a second , perhaps a little embarrassed "What I'm trying to say is that, I want us to get more serious."

His grip on my hands get tighter, he holds my hands and intertwines our fingers while I'm searching for my answer.

"I will go on a date with you." I start "I like you a lot Wooin, but I hope you know I don't want a relationship until I'm done with school and the race."

If he truly wants me, he'll respect that and wait for me. I may like him, but I value myself and my future a lot that I'm not willing to risk it.

When this school year is over, if he still likes me, then I will know it's real.

"Of course" he seemed a little disappointed as I expected, but he didn't give up "I gotta go come here babe" he pulled me into a hug. His hands didn't wander and squeeze my ass, he kept them tightly around me, pulling me into his chest, holding me so tenderly that I could fall asleep.

Wooin POV

Letting go off of her was the most painful thing of the day. That includes what I'm about to do at work too. I can beat up scammers who try to resell our drugs and I'll sleep well at night, I can watch Joker snap people in half and sleep better than a baby.

But letting y/n go off my embrace as I walk back to beat the shit out of some people?

That's more painful than everything listed above.

She kissed my cheek lightly and shut the door as I made my way to my car, part of me hoping she would wait for me to get to it before shutting the door. I feel so stupid.

Not stupid, more like someone who's in love for the first time and has no fucking clue what's expected and what the shit I'm supposed to do.

All I've ever known is lust, anger, greed, adrenaline and betrayal.

Submission too, I had a bunch of bitches who wanted me, but they don't come anywhere close to my sweet y/n. She's talented, dedicated, smart and HOT. Beautiful. She's not bland and boring, she's everything.

And I'm painfully aware that someone like me, some rotten, screwed up and violent guy like me, doesn't deserve a girl like her. But I never claimed to be a good man, I'm selfish for sure. Where she goes, I go, she's mine, I don't care if I don't deserve her, I will spend my lifetime serving her, loving her. I will never stop proving to her that me and her belong together.

I'm putting her in danger, there's many who hate me and they might try to use her against me and that thought in itself makes my blood boil.
But I'm not stupid. I won't distance myself from her so she can stay safe, even more I will make sure anyone who touches her or so much as sneezes in her direction is put eight feet under.

I gripped my steering wheel.
I'm really fucking in love with her.

They thought I was a dangerous man as it was, but now that I had someone to put first that wasn't myself? Shit was about to get worse.

I'm at a red light and I remember the time she was in my car at a red light. I couldn't keep my eyes off her body, her legs, her beautiful thighs. I didn't know that attraction was going to turn into a heavy wave of love and lust, but it did.

My thoughts were interrupted by a ping, however it wasn't my phone. I realised in the seat next to me there was Joker's spare phone he left in my car yesterday.

Notifications from his main phone only come to this phone when his main one is off. Strange though, he almost always has his phone fully charged.

Technically I'm not supposed to invade his privacy like this, but the fact that he and y/n fucked now has me not giving a shit about boundaries.

Yeah I'm jealous. Sure, I want to see if she's the one who messaged him.

But I open the notifications and see it's from some unknown number, relief washes over me.
Thank fuck.

My relief didn't last long when my curious ass decided to read the messages.

For the first time in my life, I wanted to kill Joker and watch him bleed the fuck out.

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