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Instantly, the descriptions and names clicked. I glanced over at him, holding his curious gaze as a grin spread across my face.
Pieces began to click together in my head. Why those boys were in my apartment, why I had drawn more than one animal in that basket, and our amnesia. What had those boys sacrificed to be left here on Earth?
"Jiwoo, this explains everything. I know you don't really know me anymore, but would you be okay to meet some friends and I at a cafe sometime? I think it might help us all recover our memories." Inwardly, I still had not gotten over the shock of the fact that Jiwoo had also lost his memory, but this new page gave me hope. Maybe once again I could reach the happiness I felt before I lost my memory, and maybe I could help those I once knew find their happiness as well.
"Sure," Jiwoo said, hastily breaking our intense staring contest, a light blush creeping across his cheeks.
Lost in a flurry of thoughts, I had forgotten to stop staring into those deep pools. Like dense forests, they blocked out all light and reflected it, adding a glossy emerald sheen as a gift from the leaves who turn away all advances.
"Sorry," I mumbled, turning my face away from his.
It was hard to remember that he had forgotten me as I had him except he had no loving notes to remember me by. When all that had gone through my head for the past few days was the fact that Jiwoo would remember, and we would soon be together and happy as we had once been.
The reality was much more brutal, but I was determined to make this work, even if it seemed selfish, I knew Before Jiwoo would wish for the same.
Jiwoo began to stand up,"I should get to work..." Right, I had forgotten where we were, and only now did we both notice the annoyed glances Jiwoo was getting from his coworkers. "Right, hey do you have any books to recommend?" He had already made it behind the counter by the time I had asked, but he sighed and came back from behind to help. "Stupid, you know I lost my memory so I haven't read much, but here," he reached for a book on one of the display tables and handed it to me. Immediately my face flushed as I read the cover title, "Passionate Love" it read, and on the cover it showed two figures, skimpily dressed.
Jiwoo appeared concerned. I have only read this, so far. Is there a problem with it? I felt my cheeks grow even redder,"No! Not at all. It looks fine. Yes, very good, I'll buy it!" At least I knew where all the romance novels on my shelf had come from. I rushed over to the counter, and he slipped behind the register. Handing the book over to him, I took a deep breath and hot my composure. I feel like I have forgotten something... Right! "Jiwoo, I need your number so I can call you about the cafe. Do you have a piece of paper or-" I looked up to see him writing in the front page of my book. Once done, he closed it and handed the book back to me, not noticing my miffed expression. Had he really just written on my book. "That will be 10.50," he finally looked me in the eye."I wrote my number in the book," Right. Still a strange way of getting paper, but I suppose his actions made a little more sense now. "Okay, thank you." I put my book in my bag and turned to leave. Walking home, I took the embarrassingly decorated book out again and flipped the cover open. In a hastily penned scrawl, a note was written on the inside, "(xxx-xxx-xxxx) Thank you for your help. I can see why I loved you so dearly before. I would like to fall in love with you again,"
Maybe there was a good sliver of hope still left.

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