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I had a whole day until he would be at the bookstore, a whole day to go about life by myself knowing that he was close but just out of my reach. I contemplated going out again Sunday morning to look for him around town, but knew it would probably end up just as fruitless as most of my search from yesterday.
Due to my sudden amnesia, I do not have to go to school until Tuesday. Monday was supposed to be a day for me to catch up on work, but I had already gotten a bunch of help from Heejae on my schoolwork so I had little left to do. After fixing myself breakfast and taking a shower, I decided to tackle that, working on the few geometry problems that the both of us had trouble solving.
Rummaging though my drawers in search of an eraser, I discovered a sketchpad neatly place at the bottom of one of my drawers. Inside were pictures of clouds and flowers, open skies, wide fields, and regal trees. The first part of the notebook was filled with these mediocre sketches of wildlife, obviously gorgeous in real life, but sketched halfheartedly with graphite. I then turned a page over to find the first glimmer of color in the sketchbook.
I had drawn and colored a basket full of cats and rabbits. Jiwoo, apparently began as a rabbit, and I was not only curious about which he was, but about who the others were. Strange, maybe I sent them off to friends.
It was the next picture that really caught my eye. It filled the whole page, and was a regal drawing of a snobby looking man in a hat. If you looked closely, though, you could see that he had some reason to hold disdain over people, and that there was some sweetness that he hid from the outside world. An ear was poking out of his hat, white spotted with light brown. They looked like the ears of the bunny on the other page. Then I saw what I had written on the corner of the man's sketch, Jiwoo.
I spent the remainder of the day with my sketchbook by my side. Mulling over the dull images before suddenly brightened after the picture of that basket.
I must have been lonely with my mom so far away. I had finally felt guilty for avoiding her and tried to call her the other day, but she didn't pick up the phone. It is totally fine with me if I never have to speak with her again.
I could keep the joy of seeing Jiwoo again out of my head. He could clear up what I didn't understand and maybe I could feel together like a real person again.
I cleaned and did laundry, blankly spending my time as I impatiently wait for Monday. Why can't the filler days just go by faster.
I spend my evening at my desk sketching on one of the few remaining blank pages in my notebook. I drew a sunset and the moon had little brown spotted bunny ears. It felt surreal, knowing that tomorrow would be the day I found him, and maybe that meant that our meeting could never be real at all.
I could not sleep well that night. My mind kept drifting to dark alternates where Jiwoo would forget to come to work or he would get in a terrible accident. Waking up countless times in cold sweat, I would clutch his journal until I stopped trembling and could drift back into sleep. I just hoped he could take care of himself until we could be together again...

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