Chapter 1- Introduction

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Hi everyone, soooo all this is kinda new to me, cos this is my first book. so I hope you all like and enjoy it. just a little bit about me before we start is that I'm bisexual, and I'm a massive dog lover, sorry to the cat lovers out there, I like cats as well, just not as much as dogs (pls don't hate me), I love marvel, the owl house, gravity falls and miraculous. anyways without further a doooo, let's start. oh, also if there are any artists out there reading this (and enjoy this book), you are more than welcome to try and make a cover for this book if you want totally up to you, but if you do, please let me know however you can and show it to me once you're done and I'll try and make it the cover thx. ok, you may now read...enjoy :)

third-person point of view

Vero - 

Vero was born out of know where she has no parents or any relatives, he was just born/made/created out of thin air, and no one knows why or how. But if you're a demon like the demons that found Vero, didn't question, and took her in and cared and loved them as their own. When Vero was growing up the others didn't hide anything about who her parents were or whatever they said the truth and from their knowledge about the world, multiverse, dimensions and etc, tried to understand what happened as well as trying to explain it to Vero as well when she was old enough to understand. Once Vero got lost in the mind-realm and didn't know what to do, but some other demon kids (now her friends) found her and helped her understand where she was and that it's not all bad and that it's actually quite fun (they were right). Vero was a very unique demon. You see she could by some miracle turn herself into any immortal being she wanted. It was EXTRAORDINARY!!! But on top of that, she had dark magic (she could do and make anything). It was extremely rare, only one in 10,000 dimensions, multiverses and etc to be born. she was one of a kind. Vero was always intrigued by the human realm and how difficult it made things and how they destroyed everything to make something pointless. But Earth wasn't all bad Vero had a few people she liked to watch and help (Asher Verlice, Finley Thatcher, Murphy Blaze, Nova Vespertine, Cosmo Kicklighter, Sky Wixx, Joanuniverse Falka, Nigel Addax Falka, Xander Charger), without being seen of course, they don't even know they're there. he would do it from the mid-realm and no one could see him because demons aren't allowed to go to the physical realm or even interact with it. But Vero doesn't like to listen. Vero has a good amount of friends and they're all pretty decent demons, but Vero's best friend in the whole multiverse, world, dimensions, etc. is Aleta. Aleta is the child of Caleb (God) and Levi/Leviathan(Satan). Yeah, I know right?! Vero and Aleta met when they were 7, it was when Vero turned into an angel and decided to play tricks on the angles just for fun. You see Caleb and Levi allow any immortal being into any place heaven, hell and everywhere in between, but they still had to live in the area of where they were born. When Vero was an angel, she bumped into Aleta who turned into a demon. They were both so confused when they both turned into their normal forms. They went to Aleta's dads and told them what happened, they ran some tests and noticed that they were the same, they both happened to be one in 10,000 dimensions, multiverses and etc to be born! And it just so happens by a miracle that they're in the same place at the same time otherwise they probably would have never met. From then on, they have been like siblings and Vero always loved Aleta's dads like they were her dads and they loved Veroas if they were Vero's parents. And vice versa with Vero's family (friends)they treated and loved Aleta like she was family as well. Vero was a creature that loved anyone or thing and is anything and in the human realm, it's called bisexuality and non-binary. Vero doesn't really care what the humans call it she knows what she is and what/who she likes and that's all that matters. Vero is quite tall for a regular demon she was about 5'8, and she has a body of a 16-year-old but acts like a 10-year-old sometimes. he has a muscular build and short dark brown curly hair with a little touch of orange and a mix of dark purple and light-ish blue streaks in it as well. Vero is a demon that has no gender like I said earlier so that means she has the top part of her body (chest/stomach) is male and the private parts of a girl, legs are average and so are the arms. they have tanned skin with a small scar on her left eye brown. she has one violet eye and the other eye is white. She has three piercings on her right ear all loops and three piercings in her left ear the first is a loop and the second one is a stud and has a helix with a lighting blot earing in it. and a noise piercing on the left side with a silver stud. 

Aleta - 

everyone knows the story of Adam and Eve, and how they broke gods one and only rule, and that's how we got into this society today... welllll they kinda forgot one very important detail about that story. You see when this happened God knew that this was the end of his plan for Earth and all the good things that were supposed to happen later on in the plan. So, he had no choice but to go and ask for help from someone that he swore never to see again... SATAN. When Satan heard about this he was in, but with one condition... he had a piece of the action. But you see here, that to do what they want to do/achieve they have to break the one rule they swore not to break, to become a God/devil for this dimension, is to never use "the spell", but they had no choice but to, so they broke the one rule and did the spell, but whilst the spell was being made, something went horribly wrong, and took a part of each being, and instead of making what they needed they got something they both always wanted. You see God and Satan were actually together at one point but had to break up if they wanted to become gods and be able to create a world to keep life flourishing, everywhere. They both wanted to have a kid together but that wasn't possible nor allowed, but when the spell went wrong it created a little child, made from both God and Devil. They knew they could never tell anyone about this because if they do, they'll exterminate the child and put both of them in jail for eternity. So, when they finally wrapped their head around what just happened, they decide to create an oasis where people who have died can live (?) and see their family and friends grow and evolve and if they want to they can also go back in time or into the future and they can choose their favourite time of their lives and would be able to become their younger selves. that's also how they made their child age properly and not make her thousands of years old. While they were making this oasis, they also had to build well... hell. They also had to make a place where they can live together and try and raise this child, so they made it in "the oasis" they made, which they were thinking of naming it "heaven" or something (I don't know still workshopping this, but probably gonna stick with that name). another thing is that God's and Satan's names aren't their real names those were the names they were given for the job. Their real names are Caleb (God) and Levi/Leviathan (Satan).  Aleta was an average height (5'6) for a demon her age, and she had the body of a 16-year-old like Vero. She also had short hair but was a bit longer and straighter, it was brown with dark green and grey streaks in it. she had a stick type of body but was extremely flexible and strong with a bit of muscle showing. she had light-coloured skin with lots of freckles on her face ( mostly around the nose and cheeks) and body. she has a nose piercing on the left side of her nose with a silver stud and a slit in her left eyebrow. she also has a big scar on her neck, it starts from her left ear on the side of her neck and goes all the way down moving across to the front of her neck and stopping at her collarbone at the front. 

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