Meet The Modern Scheherazade

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Umm... Hello listeners.

I'm the new Scheherazade. The original Scheherazade was alive a couple thousands of years ago in ancient Persia. She's the one who told all the stories in 1,001 Nights, and in doing so she saved hundreds of lives. Ever since then, her name has been passed down as a title.
But now The Scheherazade is just a storyteller, that's all. I'm not saving hundreds of lives and I'm not married to a Sultan. I'm only telling you stories. The stories I tell you are going to be in parts. I'll tell part of a story, move on to another, and another, and I might come back to a story and add more. My stories will be diverse, about all kinds of people in all kinds of lands. Hopefully that will make them more entertaining for you.

If you have any requests or questions about me or my stories then you can contact me at

Also, I don't have a mentor or a teacher, so I'm kinda making this as I go along. Which is just as nerve wracking as you would think when you have a job as important as this. But I think I'm ready. Maybe. I'm not really sure to be honest.

WAIT! I almost forgot! Whoever is on the cover of this book... I look nothing like them. We Scheherazades aren't allowed to tell anything about ourselves. Not our name, not our ethnicity, or age, not even our gender. It takes away from the story. Ok. That's all.... I think... Enjoy!

The Modern ScheherazadeWhere stories live. Discover now