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I'm glad to see you back. This one is short, but I feel like there's a lot of emotion in it. At least that's what I hope. It's about a girl who unknowingly destroys her whole world. One she might not be able to rebuild. After all, your twin is a part of you.

Deire laid in bed waiting for the clock to turn 11:43. That would be when she officially turned 18, when she would finally get her power.

She looked across the room at her twin brother, Luke. He was sleeping soundly with his dreadlocks sprawled not only across the pillow but his face as well.

They had their own rooms, but they wanted to be together when they got their powers. Deire was older by two minutes, so she would get hers first. She promised Luke she would wake him up when that happened. She just couldn't understand how he was asleep now of all times!

Deire was nearly bouncing with excitement. Even though it was only 10:51. She still had 52 minutes left and every minute seemed like a lifetime. She started to braid her cornrows together, something she only does when she's really bored.

It felt like her birthday would never come.

It was now 11:21.

Still way too long until her birthday. Deire was pacing across the room, but quietly, so she wouldn't wake up Luke.

"22 minutes, 22 minutes, 22 minutes"

she kept repeating softly to herself. Until it turned 11:22.

"21 minutes, 21 minutes, 21 minutes"

It was 11:42.

One more minute until she gets her powers. Deire is literally jumping up and down, but quietly, so she doesn't wake up her brother.

Then, after what felt like years, the clock turned 11:43. Deire ran to Luke and began to shake him.

"Luke!" She whisper yelled

"Luke! Luke! Luke! Luke!"
She yelled, getting louder and louder each time.

"LUKE!" She screamed and her parents ran into the room.

Fear crept up around her throat, threatening to choke her. "He won't wake up!" She exclaimed "I don't know why, but he won't!"

Her father went over to Luke to check his pulse. While he did that her mother went over to comfort her "Don't worry honey." She said soothingly She reach out to squeeze her hand, but as soon as she touched Deire and fell on the floor.

Deire jumps back and covered her mouth with her hands. Then she slid them down to her throat as the fear that threaten to choke her before closed in even more.

She gripped her throat until bruises showed up on her skin and then kept gripping. Her father rushed over to her mother and checked her pulse. Then he looked up at Deire with a look of horror and disbelief on his face. "You killed them." He stated. Deire stood there, that was was when when she realized what her power was.

To kill with only a touch.

She flung herself in a corner and curled into a ball, as tight as she could.
She killed her mother.
She killed her own twin.
Why her?

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