The Girl with the Cloud Robe

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Hello everyone.
Ummm, the beginning of this story takes place in Ancient Rome, although that's not the time period everyone in the story is from. Sorry if that's vague. It's just that I hate spoilers. The main character's name is Silana. She's apart of the 98% of poor Romans. Almost every night she sneaks out to visit her friend Aurelia, who is part the the rich 2% living a luxurious life. Silana is coming home from visiting Aurelia one night when she comes across a person she's never seen anyone like before.

Silana darted though the dark streets of Rome, hardly looking where she was going.

She had made the journey from Aurelia's villa so many times, there was no need. She was more focused on trying to ignore the smell of alcohol and vinegar that assaulted her.

She cupped one hand against her nose in an attempt to keep out the smell and ran faster. She felt the ends of her greasy blond hair brush her chin, tickling her. Her squinty peddle colored eyes stayed focused on the ground. She could hear drunken laughter a few yards away, so she pushed herself to go faster still.

Drunk men were untrustworthy to her and she did whatever she could to avoid them.

She ran despite the aching in her legs. Getting home as quickly as possible was more important.

Out of the corner of her eye, Silana saw something much too light in color to be apart of the dark wood of the Roman buildings. She turned her head sharply to the left, which caused her to trip over the cobblestone path. She hastily pushed herself up, taking a moment to feel, the aching pain in her knees and the heels of her hands. Then she turned to find what had stolen her attention.

The what was actually a who.

A girl about the age of 14, same as her. Her bronze skin proved her to be Persian, and therefore not a Roman citizen. She had a round face with gentle features and high cheekbones, unlike Silana's whose narrow eyes and sharp nose gave her the appearance of a hawk. The girl's thick, black hair draped loose over her shoulders which made her seem regal. But that was ruined by her wide amber eyes and high brows which gave her the look of always being startled. The girl had on strange pearl grey robes which floated around her like a cloud about to storm. She was staggering as though she were either drunk or extremely disoriented.

For awhile the two girls stared at each other with a mixture of fear and awe written on their faces. Neither of them understood what was going on. Sounds of drunken laughter and heavily footsteps pulled Silana out of the spell. She had no idea what anyone else, drunk or not, would do if they found the girl and it occurred to her that she did not want to find out.

Silana walked towards the girl as calmly as she could. When she girl realized what she was doing she started to shake her head and babble in a language Silana didn't understand. Silana put her finger to her lips and gestured where the sounds of the drunk men were coming from, praying to both Mercury and Minerva she would understand. She sent a quick thanks to both the deities when the girl quieted down and softly took hold of her wrist.

She decided to go back to Aurelia's villa. That way she wouldn't have to answer to her parents and the girl would be well hidden. Them it occurred that she didn't even know if the girl was dangerous or not.

Gods help her.

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