Messed Up?

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Hey again! This next story has elements of Philosophy. The Philosophy of Time to be exact. But I think you guys will be able to wrap your heads around it. I really enjoyed writing it. It's a cool idea. Anyway, here goes...

Will Sears was confused.

Not the type of confused where he had been daydreaming for 20 minutes in class and now only had a vague idea of what was going on. He was the type of confused where you couldn't imagine what you were seeing with your own eyes to be possible.

He had been sitting in a cafe reading a book he had been wanting to read for a while now. But Med school didn't leave you with a lot of time on your hands. It had been pretty relaxing until he saw someone who could be his clone or twin or something bust into the cafe.

Clone Will looked around frantically until his eyes met Real Will's. Clone Will then ran towards Will, grabbed him and ran back out of the cafe without saying a word. Will was so startled he didn't even resist.

Once he realized what was going on he tried to pry his wrist out of Clone Will's grip, but it was too tight. He tried to stop running, but Clone Will wasn't fazed and began to drag him. Which caused him to get scrapes up and down his legs. They continued to run down the streets of New York, getting no attention.

This was New York after all, and strange things happened everyday.

Clone Will lead him to a secluded area of Central Park and stopped abruptly. The momentum caused Will to slam into him. They both picked themselves back up and Will got his first good look at Clone Will.

He looked just like him. All the way down from his wavy blond hair to the scrapes on his legs. He was fiddling with a strange device. When he saw Will staring the glared at him like he committed some terrible crime and then he went back to fiddling.

He didn't understand what was going on. He was just about to ask what was happening when Clone Will spoke, "When I get this portal open you go in it. Understood?"

This one left Will more confused. "Portal?" He asked. He was pretty sure portals, of any kind, didn't exist.

To this Clone Will just sighed. "The device in my hand is what is called a Portable Portal." He explained "Yes. I know the name is ridiculous, but Sabrina that if she created it she got to name it. So there was nothing we could do. It creates time portals so you can travel to the future or go into the past according to what you put into the controls. Understand?" Will nodded, although there holes in the logic he felt as though may be important.

"But why should I have to do it?" He asked. This whole thing was scaring him and he didn't know how he was being so calm about this. After Will asked Clone Will made a face that made Will fear for his well-being. Clone Will took a deep breath and calmed down. " Because." He said slowly "Future us screwed something up and got us and Antonio captured and you have to fix it."

"Future us? Antonio?" Will asked. He was tired of being confused and he wanted more answers.

"Yes" Clone Will sighed "Why can't you fix it?" Will asked legitimately confused. "Because I already did. And now I have to bring you into the past so you will. Don't worry, Sabrina and Dennis will give you all the details when you get there." This didn't help Will much. He didn't trust this guy. He didn't understand what he wanted from him.

"Listen" Clone or Future Will said. "I know you're scared, trust me I do. But it's not just you who got captured. Antonio did too. And if you don't save him you'll spend your whole future regretting it. Please. I just want the best for us."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2019 ⏰

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