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a luke hemmings
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© s-starryknight

𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟬𝟮𝟲 :: come back

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𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟬𝟮𝟲 :: come back... be here

clemmstonee made a tweet !

clemmstonee made a tweet !

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the second joey stepped on the escalator, she could see the pair waiting for her. their faces were beaming with excitement as was she. clem was waving at her and luke held a sign which read 'welcome back!' she was home. she was finally home. she took the time to travel down, waving back. clem winked at her quickly before disappearing into the crowds, leaving luke stood there. the second the step levelled out with the ground, she jogged right in his arms. they clasped her like a cloak, keeping her warm.

"welcome back, my flower." luke used his left hand to brush her right shoulder slowly. "so, are you busy tonight?"

"luke, look at me."

"oh, right. then, can i come to yours?"

joey nodded in response, tickling his shoulder with her nose. she almost fell asleep right there and then, before clem appeared once again.

"joey, i love you but you need to let go." clem tapped her shoulder, but was only met iwth with grunt. "no, like really. the paps are on their way."

the pair loosened from their hug and looked at clem. joey could tell that this was not her joking and that they really needed to start moving. the trio started their march through the airport, making one stop at baggage claim. luke was quick to take her suitcase for her and offered her a hat. their pace could easily break into a run as they neared the long strip of auto-walkers. clem took the front, putting her hand behind her. joey brushed it and smiled. luke took the rear, using his shoulder as a cover. he used his hand to adjust her hair, instead using it to cover her face.

she could hear the shouting begin. the flash of cameras strobed against the wall. she kept her focus on that wall, not willing to give them the satisfaction. their commands were incoherent: the trio's names had all blurred into one. a silhouette of a middle finger rose up, coming from luke. all they could do was wait to step off the conveyor belt and rush to find a car. clem would have absolutely brought her car so the chase would continue until she had driven as far into la as needed.

clem led them through the expanse of cars, picking up the pace. joey had turned her her a few time only to catch the flash directly in her eyes. ultimately, clem's car was recognisable from across the rows of cars. a smokey gray chevrolet with large, pink, fluffy dice hung from the rear view mirror. they piled in.

"joey, sit in the front."

"no, i can sit with you-"

"no," luke sighed, looking at clem. "we can't open the trunk. i'll sit with your bags."


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