Chapter 1- Dorm Arrest

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*Melissa’s PoV*

 I lay on my bed, my back propped up on pillows as I threw a little rubber bouncy ball against the wall. The little red sphere would bounce back to my hand, and I would throw it again.

 Thump. Thump. Thump.

 The rhythmic pounding lulled me into a bored trance. It was a Friday afternoon, and I was stuck in my room. Classes were finally over for summer vacation, but I couldn’t go anywhere. It didn’t help that everywhere I turned at school today, someone was talking about the huge party that was going on tonight. Starr kept asking me if I wanted her to stay with me until my curfew, but I told her to go on to the party. Just because I couldn’t have fun didn’t mean my friends shouldn’t party.

 I let the bouncy ball I was throwing drop to the floor. I got up and started pacing. I hated the fact that for the past month I haven’t been able to do anything! No parties, no leaving my room except for classes, no seeing my friends except for weekends, and a super-early curfew at that.

 The clunky ‘ankle bracelet’ shifted uncomfortably against my skin. Yeah, the ones you wear when you’re under house arrest. I guess for me it’s dorm arrest. Believe me, it’s way worse than being grounded. I can’t even move without the Masters knowing about it!

 I’m part of NINJA, otherwise known as the National Intelligence Network: Juvenille Association. We’re a part of IIANA, or the International Intelligence Agency of North America. IIANA is like M15 from James Bond. It’s a league of highly trained spies who will work tirelessly to get their target.

 Agents of NINJA call themselves ninjas, for obvious reasons. We ninjas are like teenage James Bonds and Black Widows. Ruthless, cunning, intelligent and resourceful. We can wield guns and other weapons like nobody’s business, we can scale buildings and are awesome at hand-to-hand combat.

 Those reasons are why I’m under dorm arrest. The Masters think that I’m too violent, too quick to pull out weapons on my targets and possibly kill them. I just think I’m enthusiastic about bringing down the villains.

 Suddenly, a knock on the door broke my mindless pacing. I opened it to see my sensei and some of the Masters that run both NINJA and IIANA. They wouldn’t be coming unless it was something important.

 I bowed to the group in typical ninja fashion. Only Sensei, as my personal trainer and guidance counselor liked to be called, returned the favour. The Masters stared at me coolly, and I stared back suspiciously. Finally, one of them spoke.

 “Melissa Benington, for the past 38 days you have been under dorm arrest. You have been prohibited to partake in any missions, leave the NINJA learning campus for any reason, or partake in group activities. Have you learned anything from this experience?”

 “I have hated every minute of not being able to go out in the field. I hate not being able to see my friends. Most of all, I despise these walls. I’ve had to stare at them for a month with no change of scenery! I want to go out again,” I reply with my head bowed.

 The Masters all looked at each other, and nod. Sensei speaks next. “Melissa, I’ve seen you fully regret your actions from your last mission. We’ve all decided that you’ve learned your lesson and can go on another mission.”

 I stared, dumbstruck. They’re letting me go back in the field?! I can’t believe it! That means I can have my gun back and and can be a kick-ass spy again! A million happy thoughts flooded my mind. But, one of the Masters popped that bubble with his next words.

 “You must realize that you will be on probation. That means no weapons, and no full espionnage yet. You are going to prove that you can complete a mission without weapons and can be resourceful to stop the target. You will do this by being paired up with two agents from a different agency. Have you heard of American Teens Against Crime?”

 I have to go with two random agents and I can’t have my gun back? Ugh, this fucking sucks. “No, I haven’t,” I said out loud.

 “ATAC agents Frank and Joe Hardy are two of the best agents the organization has to offer. They’re extremely smart and resourceful, and always get their target. To top it off, they stop dangerous criminals without the use of weaponry. Your test is to help them prevent a possible act of terrorism without weapons. Be a good example of what a ninja truly is, Ms. Bennington.”

 He handed me a microchip, which I inserted into my custom watch. Information flew up from the hologram built into the device on the mission, and the two brothers. After a quick scan of the files, I looked up at the Masters and nodded.

 “I accept this mission,” I said firmly.

 They smile, and nod. As the adults left my room, Sensei piped up. “You can leave now, there’s a helicopter waiting for you.”

 I grinned, and quickly grabbed my travel bag. I stuffed a bunch of street clothes in there, some shoes and all the supplies I would need from my bathroom. Already in my agent uniform, I ran out the door. I raced down the hall, letting my pent up energy be released.

 Just before I got to the chopper, Sensei jumped in front of me. She handed me a small package, and a necklace with a shuriken pendant. “Keep safe, and follow your instincts,” she whispered to me before letting me catch my flight.

 Climbing into the small helicopter, I watched through the window as we take off. I thought about the mission ahead. A possible terrorist attack? That definitely sounded risky, especially without weapons. Why would they need teenagers to be sniffing around possible terrorists? The trained adult agents normally liked busting those themselves. I decided to look through all the details of the job when I got to my destination.

 “Where are we going?” I asked the pilot.

 “San Diego, California!” he replied cheerfully.

 Sunny California, a great way to start celebrating my freedom! I couldn’t wait to meet the two agents I had to spend this mission with. I hope they’re nice. It would suck to have to spend a lot of time with two obnoxious jerks. Oh well, I guess I could just sucker punch them to shut ‘em up. Either way, I hope the Hardy Boys are ready for a wild ride.

A/N: Hey guys! So this is my first story. I've been thinking about writing this for a while, but I never actually got around to it until now. What do you think? Some feedback on if I should continue would be great!

Picture of Melissa to the right! I don't know if I'm going to keep it as Emily Browning, so if you have any actor suggestions let me know!


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