Episode 11: Fatal mistake

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CW: (I wonder where Epic wen-

A sharp bone attacks CW but he dodges.

CW: Who's there?

Geno: So you're the culprit, huh?

CW: You know me?

Geno: Everyone found that someone with red strings were killing one sans by another.

CW: Well, there's no point hiding anymore.

Geno: Tch, bring it!

Geno uses blasters firing at CW

CW dodges and grabs Geno's soul with red strings.

CW: You're wasting my time, Geno. Get out of my way or I'll kill you.

Geno: Hm? I didn't tell you my name.

Geno: I have never met you in my life.

Geno: But if it's like one of those resets. . .

Geno: You're just the same as that demon.

CW: . . 

CW: Never compare me with Chara.

CW shatters Geno's soul

Geno: heheheheh. . .

CW: Why is he not getting deleted?

Geno transforms into a glitchy form.

Fatal error: You're gonna have to try harder than that.

Fatal Error attacks CW with his red strings.

CW gets held by red strings and cannot move.

CW: . . .

Fatal error: End of the line, anomaly. Your days are over!

Fatal error spawns several blasters aiming at CW.

Fatal Error: Did you honestly never thought of this plan of yours?

Fatal Error: Did you never expect for this to happen?

CW: . . .

CW: Of course I expected this to happen.

Fatal error: Huh? What do you mean by that?

CW: I know I can't move and all. . .

CW: . . . but HE can.

Fatal Error: Huh?

As Fatal Error turns around, someone stabs him on the chest and Geno reverts back to his original self.

Geno: Y- You. . .

???: I'm sorry! I didn't mean this to happen!

Geno turns to dust (Not dust sans).

??? collapses and cries

CW: It's fine, no need to cry. You're making me feel bad.

CW: I felt the same way too destroying a multiverse first time.

CW: . . .

CW: Let's get out before anyone sees this, Dream.

To be continued. . .

Just for everyone to know, this is the 4th last episode of this story.

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