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MJ and Ren informed me that Lita was flying the next day. I met with them at the airport and bade her goodbye. Lita’s final parting message to us spoke volumes to me. Love is strange. Indeed. I should know it, I lived it.
Gorya further expounded Lita’s message: It creates a lot of things. Many times, it makes us grow. But what I’ve learned is, when you pass one test, a new test is awaiting you around the corner. You just have to keep going because this is life. It never ends. No matter how hard we run, we must face it in the end. Every one of us.
How very appropriate, very timely! It’s as if the universe has conspired against me. It wasn’t a coincidence that Mona reappeared in my life. This is the universe’s way of intervention.
Unbeknownst to me, my story had a big effect on Kaning. Apparently, she had been searching for the building Mona wanted us to meet. I never meant for her to do this for me. I just wanted her to understand why I am the way I am. What’s so irritating is that I have to discover these nightly excursions of Kaning from Mona herself.
After she disappeared from my life, I can’t believe she was standing near me in my place. Talking like as if nothing had happened between the two of us.
“Nothing has changed here. I missed it.” She remarked as we sat together in the lounge area where we usually hang out.
“Everything remains the same. Everything.” I said in return. And by everything I meant my feelings for her too. “What about you? Has anything changed?”
She didn’t give me an answer. Instead, she changed the topic. “The girl I met at the flower shop is cute.”
“Why do you bring her up?” I inquired.
She picked up her tablet. “The other day the building staff of my office said they found a stranger sneak up to the roof. So, I pulled a footage from the security camera.” She handed to me the tablet. “It looks like this girl is finding some rooftop.”
What is Kaning doing? Doesn’t she know how dangerous it was? And alone at night?
“Is it just me thinking that this is about that day?” It was the first time we’ve spoken about that day.
“So, you’ve come here because of this?” I asked curiously.
She nodded. So, she didn’t come because she wanted to. She didn’t come after we saw each other at the flower shop. She didn’t come because of me. I am nothing to her. I don’t mean anything to her at all.
“I don’t know who she is to you and I don’t know what you told her. But for a girl to go up to a rooftop all alone is very dangerous. You-”
“OK.” I cut her off. I don’t need to hear lectures from her. “I get it. I don’t want things to turn this way either. I’ll deal with it.” Kaning is in so much trouble right now. “Sorry for reminding you of bad memories.” I returned the tablet to Mona.
“It’s never bad, Kavin. Everything about you is a good memory for me.” My hope about us was reignited. “I should go.” And that’s when I noticed a ring on her finger. The little hope I just had was gone instantly. “Kavin, I may have just met her but I could feel her dedication. I could…never do that.”
I didn’t hear what she said. My attention was on that ring. I was too late. Mona is no longer mine. She’s forever gone. I walked towards the window to see who she was with. It was painful to watch. A black hole replaced where my heart was supposed to be. I felt dead. I felt anger. Not towards Mona but towards Kaning.
“Damn it!” I threw the towel on the floor. Grabbed my phone and dialed Kaning’s number. There was no answer. I sent her warning texts. I know what you’re trying to do. Stop getting involved in my business.
After that I left the house and drove to the bar where as usual I ended up with another one-night stand. Meaningless sex with strangers numbs me of the pain I’m feeling. The perfect escape from reality.
I woke up to the noise of my phone notifications. There were several messages from Kaning. I found that building. (sent location) Can you meet me here tomorrow at 6am? I’ll be waiting.
Just like how I did then, I will ignore Kaning too. She hasn’t stopped messaging me. Kavin. Please come. She also kept sending me the location. I will keep ignoring her no matter what.
I was back at the bar to have another hook up when the girl I was with spotted Thyme. He was trying so hard to disguise himself but he ended up standing out among the crowd. I’ve had it with nosy people stepping into my business.
“Why does everyone give me headaches? You and Kaning, why are you bugging me to go to that rooftop?”
“Did Kaning find the rooftop?” Thyme seemed impressed about it.
He chuckled. “Good. Kaning is a fighter.”
“What good does it do though?” I’m really out of patience. “Ever since Kaning set out to find the rooftop, my life has been such a mess.” The truth was, even before Kaning came into my life it was already badly messed up. By me. But right now, I would just like to lay blame on Kaning. Make her a scapegoat. “This thing was a long time ago. It’s so pointless.” Mona is engaged to someone else already.
“Pointless or not, only you can answer that.” Thyme remarked. “I don’t know. But for a girl who fights with all her might so you could find what she doesn’t know if it’s useful to you, are you going to leave her hanging?” Between my annoyance and impatience with Kaning, I couldn’t believe what my ears are hearing. Since when did Thyme become wise? “Anyway, it’s your decision whether to go or not. But I don’t want you to make the same mistake twice.” I knew I made so many mistakes with Mona. If I showed up this time, will it right the wrongs of the past? I am certain it will not change what happened in the past but it most certainly will change the course of our future. “Find out what’s important to you.  And you’ll be able to make that decision,” was Thyme’s parting words to me.
I rejoined my date. “What’s up with that guy? Come and have a good time.” She said, handing back to me my glass of drink. As I stared into it, images of Kaning swirled into the glass. The first time I met her at Mira’s birthday party. That time MJ and I tried to talk with her to discourage her friend from going out with Thyme. She was small but made sure MJ and I understood she had nerves of steel. That time we ate yogurt outside the flower shop. That time she pricked her finger. I could hear Mona’s words echo in my head: But I could feel her dedication. Then it was Thyme’s: Find out what’s important to you. Mona’s voice again: I could…never do that. Lastly, Thyme’s: And you’ll be able to make that decision. Very vividly, that scene inside my sports car when I tried to scare Kaning by pretending I was going to kiss her.
I have my answer already. I know what I have to do. Setting down my drink, I made a dash out of the bar. Lo and behold, Thyme was waiting for me. He drove me to the location of the building where Kaning was waiting along with Gorya.
“Tua Lek, you know how frustrating your stubbornness is?”
“But I found what Mona was trying to tell you.” She didn’t care that I was scolding her. “Time is running out. Hurry!” We climbed in haste towards the rooftop. Kaning managed to tell me this. “Kavin, I understand you two were very close friends and that it made it so hard to tell her how you felt. But you know, Mona felt it was very difficult too.”
“How would you know?” I asked.
“I do.” She replied.
Dawn was already breaking when reached the rooftop.
“What is this?” I was confused. I see nothing else except the back of the bowling sign. What did Mona want to tell me?
Kaning took a deep breath. “P’Kavin, your feelings did reach her.” I didn’t understand what she meant. I recalled that moment I told Mona I liked her. I saw her reaction. So, how did my feelings reach her? It was confusing. “And she…had something to tell you.” Kaning went on. Glancing towards the rising sun where its light caused a shadow to form on the ground behind the bowling sign. It wasn’t obvious earlier but now I can see the message very clearly. “She wants to tell you this all along.”
I love (heart emoji) Kavin.
The upside-down bowling sign now spells out my name while the bowling pins formed a heart.
“You said you’re not fit for love.” Kaning spoke trying not to cry in front of me. “That’s not true at all.
I was so wrong. Oh, so wrong! All this time I thought I meant nothing to Mona. I thought she could only see me as her friend. The truth was, she loved me just as much as I loved her. I couldn’t control the overwhelming emotions I felt at that very moment. Tears spilled out of my eyes. Somehow, this revelation removed the shadow that’s been cast over me since Mona vanished from my life. All the pain I tried to hide and keep to myself all these years, drained out of me. I was no longer hurting. All the good times and good memories I’ve had with Mona through years they flashed before my eyes.
“Silly girl.” I chuckled. Relieved. It’s over. It’s all over.
As the sun continues to rise up, the message slowly faded away. Silently, I bade farewell to Mona. To us. Standing together with Kaning on this rooftop, I saw a bright promise of wonderful tomorrows from this day forward.
We returned to Thyme’s mansion where MJ and Ren were waiting for us. As much as I’d like to celebrate with my friends, I was tired and sleepy. The four of us who went to the rooftop. Thankfully Ren had the sense to suggest that we get some rest and have the party next time.
“Now that you’re here,” MJ began, “let me say something. Congratulations to you all on everything.” And held both his thumbs up as a sign of approval. “Alright, let’s go. Kavin, get up.” He ordered. “Give them some privacy.” Indicating to Thyme and Gorya who have yet to celebrate their being a couple. Then speaking to Kaning, “Anyway, how are you getting home, Kaning? I can give you a ride.” He offered.
“Hey, stop right there. I’ll give her a ride.” I said. Of course, I know MJ was just teasing me.
“Ah, let’s go,” MJ declared.
Kaning and I stood up. As we did so, I immediately held her hand to mine. It felt good. It fit right. Before we stepped out of the door, Gorya and Kaning bade each other goodbye. Outside, Ren went to his car, MJ to his motorbike.
MJ is not yet done teasing me. “See you, Kavin. Aren’t you going to let Kaning drive?”
I had just opened the passenger door to my sports car for Kaning to get in. “Do you want to drive, Kaning? She shook her head. Tsk! MJ and his jokes.
Anyway, I got inside my sports car. We were alone at last. Tired and sleepy, we exchanged smiles of relief, of gladness, of thankfulness. I didn’t feel like driving away yet.
“I haven’t thanked you yet.” I addressed to Kaning. “Thank you.” With all my heart, I sincerely thanked her. Remembering also that she had seen me cry, “But no more. It’s embarrassing. It’s been years since I cried in front of someone.”
“Thank you too,” Kaning said, “for coming to get to the bottom of this thing with Mona. I actually thought you weren’t going to come.”
I knew at that very moment that the black hole I thought had replaced my heart is gone. After this morning’s revelation, I knew that I have a new and beating heart. A heart that is alive. And the reason for that is seating beside me. “Actually, I didn’t come because of Mona.” I confessed.
Kaning was both nervous and curious when she looked at me. “And you came because…”
“Not going to tell you.”
Her reaction was priceless. I know what I felt for Kaning. But there’s a right time and proper place. Not now. Not yet. “Let’s drive.”
“Kavin, talk to me first.” She begged.
I could only laugh at her. Honestly, even without me saying it, she should know why. Or who.
I was already driving us out.
“Kavin! Let’s talk.”
Kaning eventually gave up trying for us to talk. Someday, one day we will have to talk. About us. There’s no way I’m gonna let this girl go. This time I’m holding on to her tightly. With or without the fortune garland, she’s found her soulmate. Because I am her soulmate. We are soulmates.

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