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Everything was back to normal again. At least that’s what we thought. Little did we know that Thyme’s mother has plans to punish Gorya. If it wasn’t because of her, Thyme’s engagement to Lita wouldn’t have been called off.
Gorya’s house was destroyed.
The flower shop was closed.
My father got fired from his job.
Kavin and I have been focused on the situation between Thyme and Gorya that there wasn’t a chance for us to talk. I’m still curious what he meant when he said he didn’t come to the rooftop because of Mona. I hate to be presumptuous that he came because of me. I needed to hear from his own mouth, if indeed, it was because of me. It didn’t escape my notice that he’s been spending more time at the flower shop. Driving me home after work.
Our normal lives were momentarily interrupted by a hurricane of chaos that Thyme’s mother unleashed. In order to restore everything, Gorya sacrificed herself for all of us. The flower shop returned to operating its business while my father was recalled to work. I don’t know what went on between Thyme and Gorya but it couldn’t have been good. Gorya left without telling us where she had gone to. Thyme flew to Singapore immediately along with his mother to manage their business there. It all seemed suspicious. But the rest of F4 assured me not to worry. They will get to the bottom of things and solve this matter at once.
But a year has passed and nothing has changed. Kavin told me that they’ve been blocked by Thyme ever since he went to Singapore. Gorya has become unreachable too. She has neither replied the thousands of messages I sent to her or answered the million times I’ve called her. It’s as if she didn’t want to be found.
I missed my best friend. It’s not the same without her. I wonder if she has resumed her schooling too. We are now in Grade 12. Months from now we will graduate from high school at last. We promised that we will attend the same college. Is that promise going to be broken?
Speaking of college, Kavin and MJ have also started their higher level of education. The first day the three of them set foot in their new school, #F4intheUniversity trended on social media. They’ve also started to take part in learning their respective family business. In short, they’ve become adults while I’m still a teenager who works part-time in the flower shop.
In spite of Kavin’s busy schedule he never misses any opportunity to visit me in the shop. One time I teased him that the girls at the bar must be lonely without him. He admitted that he’s never been to the bar in over a year. I knew he was telling the truth. We are not yet a couple but I can feel the sincerity he has towards me. For now, that is enough for me.
Ren has become some sort of wanderer. He was the only one making every effort to look for Gorya. I wished I had asked Gorya in which province her parents were farming. Kavin told me not to worry and reassured me that they are working on it. They never stopped searching for Gorya and uncovering the truth of her sudden disappearance.
It was on the news that there would be a meteor shower. I made a wish that Gorya would be found and return to us. I know nothing would make her happy than being with her family. But she’s meant for greater things. And the fight against Thyme’s mother is not yet over. Above all, we believed that Gorya truly loved Thyme. She wouldn’t have left him like that.
Our collective wish was granted. Ren found out where Gorya has been hiding. He went straight away to inform Thyme who had recently returned to Bangkok. Unfortunately, he couldn’t convince his best friend Thyme to go after Gorya. Kavin shared with me that they have hatched an alternate course of action to get to Thyme. Meanwhile, Ren went back to Petchaburi and brought back Gorya to Bangkok. All he had to do was show Gorya a video of Thyme tied to a chair as Kavin and MJ straightened back their friend to good sense. Everything worked out. Or so we thought.
Parama Group was facing major financial trouble and at the heart of it all was Thyme. He was stabbed. He hit his head on the floor that it caused him to have a temporary amnesia. Worse, he had no memory at all of Gorya.
We lent our support to Gorya as she finds a way to help Thyme regain his lost memories and win his heart again. But theirs is a love story that’s written in the stars. Of course, true love wins.

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