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When the dust had settled on Thyme and Gorya, Kavin officially asked me out on a date. I agreed on one condition: that it would be a commoner’s date.
We ate dinner at the small ramen shop I recently discovered. For someone who used to be a notorious rich playboy, he sure knows how to blend in and go along with my idea of a commoner’s date. We had crepes for dessert. As he paid the crepe vendor, I saw the next customer who was carrying her cute dog. I asked if I could carry the dog. Kavin, it turned out, was allergic to dogs. We walked and talked all night long. He finally revealed to me that I was indeed the main reason he went to the rooftop. He didn’t want all my efforts to go to waste. He realized I was the most important thing in his life right now. We were outside the front door of my house when our first kiss happened. It was perfect in every way.
Gorya was the first person I informed that Kavin and I were dating. She was so happy. She couldn’t believe that I was able to transform Kavin from a serial playboy into a serious boyfriend. She shared with me that even though Kavin is of noble blood, he was very kind and generous. The more Gorya got to know him, the more she saw his delicate and sensitive side. Just the way Kavin protects his friends and with how she observed him to be super attentive to me. No matter how people see him on the outside, Gorya believes that deep down he is warmer and more committed than anyone would expect.
But Gorya, being a worrier, also warned me to be careful and not to get pressured by Kavin to have sex. Kavin hasn’t kissed me again on the lips since our first date. In his words, abstinence is his penitence. Whatever that means. I don’t mind the lack of physical intimacy in our relationship. His sweet gestures alone more than proves how much he loves me.
Kavin was present during my high school graduation. He went to lunch with my parents. But he asked if we could have dinner later.
We were done with the main course and waiting for deserts to be served when I recited Kavin’s own valedictory speech. He was such in awe. It has been two years since he had delivered that speech.
“It’s like you manifested what would happen right after, don’t you think?” I remarked.
“What do you mean?”
“Well, I mean with what happened between you and Mona.”
“’You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.’” Kavin recited the quote. “Maybe I did.”
“But you didn’t manifest for the ending to be us, right?”
He looked at me very intently. “At that time, I didn’t.”
“When did you realize you like me?”
“I honestly don’t know. I was in the middle before I realized you’re already in my heart.”
He cupped my face and kissed me deeply.
~The End~

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