Chapter 3

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The next time I woke up it was to two familiar voices arguing over the merits of fighting with your fists or fighting with a wand. I'd never been so happy to be woken up by arguing. I smile dumbly at the fluffy brown blob to my right and the blurry red patch next to it.

"Why would you use your fists when you have a wand though?" My question is met with silence. And then a loud avalanche of noise as Ron and Hermione talk over each other trying to ask Harry how he's doing. Before finally seeming to realize their volume and hushing almost all at once, the red blob moves and suddenly Ron and Hermione come into view as Ron slides Harry's glasses onto his nose.

"There we go. How you feeling mate" Ron asks settling himself in a chair next to Hermione. I look at the roof contemplating the question before looking him in the eyes "like I died and came back" we stair at each other for a long moment before I crack a week smile "two soon?" Hermione thump's me in the arm. Hard. "Of course it's too soon! You moron! Why would you think that's funny! We almost! We. I. I almost lost one of my best friends and you..." She's in tears at the end and I sit up slowly pulling her into the bed and hugging her.

"I'm sorry. You know I'm bloody awful at serious stuff when it's about me. I didn't mean to make it not serious. simply less tense a subject. I'm sorry." I patt her hair as she cry's into my shoulder and I drag Ron on the bed as well. we all rearrange a bit but find a comfy position with me in the middle and Ron and Hermione on each side hugging me. "Never do that again Harry. I almost lost one of my best friends. that's not cool mate, not cool at all" Ron says into my shoulder his voice sounds wet and my heart break's.

I was honestly still in shock. I don't think it's clicking that I died, I know it happened but the revelation isn't there yet. For me it was like falling asleep and waking up in pain for Ron and Hermione though, they where there they saw what happened they saw me die, even if only for a moment. I hugged them closer to me suddenly cold. the thought of seeing one of them die enough to make me nauseous. I think I can imagine it and its a terrifying thought. We stay like that curled around each other all of us crying into each other's shoulders, it's no surprise really when we all fall asleep.

I wouldn't have know if I hadn't woken up to the soft murmur of voices not to far from my bed. They were familiar yet being right on the edge of sleep I couldn't place them. The murmuring stopped after a moment and then a soft rustling and the acidic scent of oranges alerted me to the person settling into one of the guest chairs. It was so familiar yet right out of reach they were a mystery in my sleep hazy mind. But I felt at peace in there presence, so I turned toward them and smiled then let sleep take me back to the dream world.


When I woke up next I was alone. The shadows around the room and the candles floating through the air telling me it was probably very late at night. The blankets around me was berly cool Ron and Hermione must have went off to bed not that long ago then, hopefully with a note from poppy.

I sigh knowing me being awake now means I'll suffer with trying to fall back asleep later. However quiet sure steps make me pause. Looking out towards the rest of the hospital wing I see none other than professor Snape striding down the isle twords my bed. His robe's doing the billowy thing me and Ron had theorized over for literal years. How did he do that? Maybe I could make that one of my remaining questions, after all he never said it had to be about the most recent events at Hogwarts or even only the people involved in said events. I startle when snape ease's himself into one of the visiting chairs, not having realized he was so close.

We stair at each other for a moment and I'm suddenly very grateful for Ron and mione forgetting to take my glasses off when we fell asleep. It makes staring much easier if you can actually see who you're staring at. Snape holds my gaze for a moment seaming to assess me before relaxing into his chair.

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