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Hello, I'm Arrow and you're look inside a cringey book that can contain gacha in it. I also have other triggers too, but they will be lasted below this paragraph. As of now, I currently can't edit my first OC on Crack Book due to Wattpad not letting me freaking edit it in anyway unless I'm on the desktop version. Sadly, all the stuff I need for this random book is all on my phone so I decided to create a second book instead.

Stuff to note that's in this book:

Lots of mentions of violence, murder

Absolute cringe beyond anything you've comprehended

Lots of fandoms

Gacha Club

Too many freaking OCs

Borrowing my friend's OCs (Azura), if they allow me to.

Censored swearing

Absolute stupidity everywhere in this book

No NSFW will be in here. The Gacha community mostly have young children in it and I wouldn't be surprised if one of them stumbled upon this. Also most of my OCs are minors.


That's about it.

Azra: That is a lot of stuff-

Well if they proceed and don't like the content well- I dunno what to expect to be honest.

Oh yeah, hate comments are going to be deleted (if hate comments don't stop, I will block you from my accounts). Any dramas that don't involve anything relating to this book should be moved to DMs or else both you and the person will be blocked from all of my accounts. Anything against the LGBTQ+ community or anything racist will also be deleted and the person who wrote those comments will be blocked from all of my accounts.

That's all, I will edit this later on, other than that have the weirdest time of your life here.

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