* ੈ✩‧₊˚𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚠𝚘. 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙻𝚊𝚍𝚒𝚎𝚜 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚂𝚞𝚗𝚗𝚢 𝙼𝚘𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐

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The Emperor's heart had nothing in it..

He had women crawling on his sheets and sleeping in it till dawn, all the riches in his Empire, a face that could win hearts within beats. Lust, wealth, and beauty, did nothing to light a spark. No brightest match, or the smallest. Had he truly grown into such a frozen winter?

And his blood lusted massacre was living proof of that.

But before, a dancer of golden blonde hair, magenta eyes, and the soul of anything and everything beautiful, lit a candle. One that burned his heart. Love. Yet, like any candle, their wax may soon drip with the heat causing it to melt, as the flame blows out. Again, he was cold, and again, he had nothing.

Only but a bundle of immortality was left in his hands. A bundle he soon dropped here in this place. With the green-eyed lady staring at you.

Her arms crossed, as they inked into her sides, hiding with the green ruffles called sleeves, as if they were a child hiding from the sound of thunder. Within a breeze that you could only feel, she spoke these words.

"Are you the new ruby?" she asked. You tilted her head. From her tough looks and formal structure, you thought she was going to insult you. But she sounded more curious than feeling the need to insult you.

Replying to her question, you nodded and bowed your head to the same level as her chin. The lady hummed as she walked past you. Now you must've thought that her actions weren't civil at all. Nonetheless, this lady keeps catching you off guard.

The lady walked down the opposite hall from where she came from, with a white door embroidered with red lining. She stopped midway, turning to look at you. "Follow me," she said. The door slam shut after she passed through it.

The maid beside you, instantly took your suitcase. "Go on Ma'am. Lady Cordelia requested your presence to follow her. You must do as she asked," the maid said. Already, she left without much of a trace. She instead went down another hall and through an opening.

Standing there for what may have seemed like a few seconds, you walked slowly behind the lady named Cordelia. As before, you opened the door, unlike Cordelia, you did not look back. You were curious about what this lady would want with you.

'Just keep walking [ Name ]. Then, you'll surely see what this lady wants with you.' You gave yourself a reassuring nod and slipped into a bright room. Antiques were perfectly set on the walls and red, black cushions and tableware were neatly laid out.

Bookshelves and white porcelain statues of naked angels that held up a red velvet robe, as if they were welcoming the sun to the world. Women you were unfamiliar with, all sat together elegantly.

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