| twelve |

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"So, she's the one who bullied you. " Sunghoon asked Haeyun. Both of them now, stayed in the class and waiting for the teacher to come.

However, Sunghoon caught his eyes on Heeseung and Jungwon who took a glare at him and Haeyun ,who sat back located at the  back of the class.

He then rolled his eyes just to broke the eye contact between them. Heeseung heaved in irritation and look back to the white board infront of the class.

"I don't know why she could be here but I think she's still had not done with me." Haeyun answered Sunghoon while looked down. Stared at her shivered hands. It's cold and gave her a heebie-jeebies.

Sunghoon who noticed the girl, slowly held the girl's hand. Haeyun looked at Sunghoon in confusion.

'His hands... it's warm..'first thing that came out on her mind.

"Don't worry, I'll take over it. You shouldn't be worried of her anyway. She just like a..."

"Like what ? "

"Mosquito?" Sunghoon said and it's sound like a joke to Haeyun. No one expected,  she laughed at his joke.

She then slowly nodded her head.

"Thank you... " —Haeyun.


"I saw you this morning. "Sunoo suddenly sit infront of Sunghoon while brought his glass of cold blood.

Sunghoon just looked at him casually before putting some raw meat into his mouth.

"We're in the same school. It will sound  ridiculous if you're not see me. "Sunghoon replied to him coldly.

But then, Sunoo just laughed at him not until he shook his head.

"Not only you.."

"But the girl. "Sunoo said along with bright smile. Sunghoon lift his head up once Sunoo suddenly mentioned about Haeyun.

"So ? "

"If father didn't stop our "hunting game" maybe, I can be the one who take Haeyun. You know what ? I can't handle my desire to bite and drink her blood. Day by day, her blood smells so 'aromatise'. "Sunoo said in a happy voice.


Sunghoon immediately got up from his seat with annoyance as he didn't want everyone or anyone else talked about his.

Well , he couldn't blame on Sunoo over everything as that guy didn't know the truth but he should showed everyone what's his property. Seon Haeyun only belong to Sunghoon.

Sunoo looked at Sunghoon in confusion after saw that guy walked away casually without saying anything although from the other side , the guy was in mood of irritation. 

"Well, I heard Jake and Jay planning to meet Haeyun. " Sunoo suddenly said. The words which came out from his mouth were make Sunghoon to stop.

He turned around and looked at Sunoo.

"What are you talking about ? " Sunghoon asked again.

"The J's twin are going to meet the girl. I think both of them betting for the girl. You should know that both of them scramble over Haeyun. "Sunoo casually spoke and ate the leftover meat.

Sunghoon frowned and went back towards Sunoo.

"What are they planning for ? " Sunghoon asked in a rough voice . Sunoo shrugged his shoulder as he didn't have any idea about it. The only thing he know was, the others guys were trying to get Haeyun. Even if they need to kill each other.

As Sunoo said that, Sunghoon immediately walked away and left the kitchen. He needed to find for Haeyun before the others guy did.


Haeyun still ruffling her books and the sound was fill the whole empty library even it is still 5.46 pm.

It was her routine to stay at school but spent most of her time in library. Reading some books to fulfil her leisure time instead of hanging out  like other students did.

However, her attention was distracted by a sound that she didn't know where it was come from.

She looked around and noticed that she was the only one who still in the library. The outside was getting darker and sun is going to be set.

Haeyun heaved a heavy breath before closed the book. She got up and packed her things inside her backpack and got ready to go back home.

She decided to go back late like this view of time just because she only need to walked home less than 30 minutes .

However , before Haeyun could opened the main doorways of  entrance of the library, she suddenly heard few books were being thrown away.

The strange sound was gave her a goosebumps. Actually, she intended to go back home instead of busying herself with the strange sound.

The books which piled up on the librarian desk suddenly messed up infront of her eyes.

'It's a ghost. Shit. ' she monologued and quickly turned around to opened the door once more. But , then the door was lock from the outside.

It's impossible to be locked as she sured that she could see the main entrance of the library was still opened widely in fact that the security guard would notified her about  the closed time of the library. 

Again. She tried to opened the door and ended up made the door knob broke. No one else but she became nervous once the door knob was at her hand. Off from the door.

Haeyun looked around the library and the clock which attached to the wall was almost hit 6. The library would be closed at 6.30. If she didn't able to find a way got out from there, she would be locked in that place.

Otherwise, she became more scared once when the big windows opened widely out of  nowhere and it was too sudden that left Haeyun to be speechless nor scared of it.

'First, vampire then now it would be a real ghost. I'm totally delusional right now. Everything makes me crazy. ' she said slowly and knocked on the door. Hoping someone would heard her and opened the door. 

"Do you need a little help young lady ? "

Haeyun quickly turned back and surprised after saw that particular person. Her eyes widened in scaredness along with fret feeling. Meanwhile, the other person just smirked at her while leaning his body to the wall near the window.

"Nice to meet you again... Seon Haeyun,"


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