Chapter III: A New Start

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Y/N's POV:
It was the next day and I went to the mall with Han and Oliver to pick out the outfits for next Saturday cause we like being prepared early.

As we walked into the mall that was packed with people and the cold air flowing around the mall. As we make our way down the path of the mall, we stopped by McDonald's to get a quick snack before coming out full and energized to head to the stores.

"Okay you guys can either wait for me or look at y'all's outfits first, I'm gonna go test some." Y/N said with excitement in her voice, with the hoarded bunch of dresses and outfits in her hands she walked to the dressing room and somehow managed to fit all the clothes in the room.

"Okay. Yo bro you coming or u staying?" Oliver asked Han as he was focused on his phone watching cute pets compilations.

"Huh- oh I'll stay and wait for you guys." Han said as he sat on a nearby bench near the dressing rooms.

"Alright, suit yourself, I'll go find my outfit." Oliver said and gave him a shoulder bump and walked away to the men section.

Han's POV:
"Yo bro you coming or u staying?" Oliver asked me while I was secretly watching cute pets compilations.

It caught me off guard and I quickly looked up at him. "Huh- oh I'll stay and wait for you guys." I said as I walked over to the benches and sat on it, it was near the beige and white colored dressing rooms.

"Alright, suit yourself, I'll go find my outfit." Oliver said to me and gave me a light shoulder bump before he walked away to the men section of the store.

I didn't care and continued looking at my phone and suddenly I heard a door open. I look up to look in the direction where the sound is coming from and it was Y/N.

She was wearing a black dress with no sleeves with a pair of black high heels, I feel my cheeks slowly warming up even if the coldness from the mall couldn't stop it.

She looked majestic, straight out of a Hollywood movie. She looked so beautiful, she could be mine. Wait hold up am I falling in love?

I quickly shaked my head trying to remove the thoughts and also say no to the voice in mind.

"Oh hey Han, looks like Oliver already went to the men section, your not going with him?" Y/N asked me as she walked over to me with her high heels tapping loudly against the polished wooden floor.

"Uhm.. no." I said knowing that Y/N knew I was nervous around her.

"Looks like there's no one left except you to rate my outfit since your my dance partner." Y/N said as she walked in front of me to rate her outfit, what have I gotten myself into?

"Soo.. how's the look?" Y/N said with excitement and curiosity in her tone. She twirled around to show the 360 look aswell.

"Uhm you look.. beautiful." Oh for god sakes what did I just say? Now she's gonna think I'm weird and-

"Oh my god thank you I think the same aswell! I'm gonna go try some more outfits stay here!" She gave me a hug before she excitedly walked back to her dressing room to try more outfits.

I feel my cheeks get even warmer and redder, did she really just hugged me? I felt her nails placed on my back lightly, her body against mine, the warmth of hers, I could beg for her touch just one more time.

As I reviewed all the outfits she wears and shows to me, I can feel our relationship was getting better and better every second with eachother.

After she was done, she decided on two outfits, a black dress and a dark velvet red dress. It was then for my turn to pick out since Oliver was also done picking out his.
He got a classic black suit with a tie.

We all then walked to the men section for my turn to pick out my outfit.

Y/N's POV:
After I finally picked out the dresses I want, Oliver was also done. Then three of us walked over to the men section for Han to pick out.

As we were walking there, I saw how Han acted when I hugged him, it was quite adorable. His cheeks getting warm and red, his toned body and his touch, I miss it.

Me and Oliver said on the nearby benches near the dressing rooms as we wait for Han to pick out what he wants to wear. Oliver then suddenly got up. "Y/N you wait here I need to take a number 2 really badly." He quickly said without giving me a second to reply and ran away tugging on his pants.

"This guy." I mumbled as I sighed before I heard one of the dressing room doors open. I look up to see the most handsome guy ever.

It was Han.

As he walked out fixing his suit, he looked so good. He walked over to me and looked down at me since I was sitting down staring at him.

"Now stop staring pretty girl, now, how's the look?" He said as he pulled his sleeves up a little. Did he just call me pretty girl? Holy shit I can pass out right here, he always called me Y/N, why is he suddenly calling me pretty girl?

I feel my cheeks burning up so I quickly respond before I do anything embarrassing. "Uhm.. yea it looks great, you look handsome." Oh fuck what did I just say? I think I might've said something wrong.

I see his cheeks turning red immediately like a tomato going ripe at 3x speed. "Ahem.. thanks, I'll go try other suits.." he said before he almost tripped on something and continued walking back normally, how cute.

After awhile Oliver already came back and Han finished choosing his outfit. We all grabbed our clothes and checked out.

As we grab the bags we all went out to the car, Oliver was driving while me and Han sat in the back.

As Oliver started the car, Han grabbed my bag and his to put at the side, and it took up all the space, leaving me sitting on Han's lap cause there was no choice.

The road was bumpy cause there was a severe thunder storm few days ago, leaving some rocks on the road. Music was playing as we all stayed slient.

The road was super bumpy I had to hold on to the door and suddenly I felt a bump down there.

Wait a second,

Is he...

Author's note

Word count: 1196 words

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