Chapter Five

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The second Jeongguk woke up that day he felt a strange energy around the Palace. He had breakfast alone in his room and when he set his foot out of the room,he noticed how the guards had their faces fallen. It wasn't a good look, something happened and no one has told him yet.

He hasn't seen Taehyung or Iseul either. He didn't see them the entire morning. Jeongguk decided he had enough and he would just go into their rooms to check on them. Jeongguk walked towards Taehyung room first for no reason at all. Yes,there's no reason why he chose to go into his future brother in law room rather than his future Queen.

Walking down the hall, he stood in front of Taehyung's room. "Alert Prince Taehyung of my presence." Jeongguk commanded the guards.

"Sorry,your Majesty. Prince Taehyung isn't in his room yet. He was called to the throne room by the King." The Palace guards alerted Jeongguk about Prince's whereabouts.

He raised his eyebrow in curiosity, what kind of emergency was it, that he was called to the throne room. Nodding to the gourds before he turned around. He's too curious for his own good so he decided he will just stop by the throne room. He is a part of this Palace now,he deserves to know what's going on.

The hallways were empty besides the usual guards. He did notice how there were more guards than usual. Taehyung did say they had increased the amount of guards after the intrusion so it makes sense.

Jeongguk was going to move left to the hallway to the throne room when he suddenly felt a hand on his arm,turning him around. He came face to face with the Princess he hadn't seen the entire day.

"Iseul, Where were you? I was looking for you." Jeongguk asked her, staring at the nervous looking girl.

"In my room. Where are you going? don't tell me you were going to the throne room?"

"I was, Why?"

"Because it's just not a good time. Father is in horrendous mood right now, I wouldn't advise you to head there right now. He isn't very kind when he's angry." Iseul warned him and it didn't help at all.

"That makes me more curious. Did something happen? the guards told me
Prince is there too."

"More reasons why you shouldn't go. Jeongguk,I don't know how you still don't know but Xethens looted us. Not us specifically but our carriages, they were filled with expensive materials and weaponry. This was one of our most important packages that Xethens took away from us. Father is losing his mind out there and it's all my brother's fault." Iseul blamed her brother for this tragedy.

He wasn't even able to question her more because before he could, they heard a loud noise of something being broken, followed by a bunch of loud voices arguing.

Jeongguk's feet moved on their own, he couldn't even hear Iseul shouting out his name telling him to 'stop' and 'don't go'. The curiosity got the best of him, Jeongguk's brain wasn't able to comprehend and he was running towards the door and entered without any warning.

All he could think about was the fact Taehyung was there and he didn't want anything happening to Taehyung. With doors opening, he entered inside the throne room. Seeing the scene in front of him.

He saw a bunch of officials standing by the wall, with their heads held down and disappointment flashed all over their faces. His eyes fell on Taehyung who was the same as them but instead of his head down, he was looking straight at his father with rage in his eyes. He could see the heavy tension that surrounded the room.

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