Chapter Twenty Three

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For as long as Taehyung knows, he has never felt true happiness in his life from the depth of his heart. With your mother who is a concubine and your father who is the King, Taehyung was cursed with his fate from the moment he was born. A son, it was a son. Something the King's wife, the Queen couldn't give him so the King had no choice but to raise him in the Palace and not throw him away like many of his other illegitimate children with all types of people.

Something as measly as his gender saved him from living a life of poverty. But the royalty didn't quite stick with him because he was three years old when he was called the false Prince for the first time. That time that word confused him, he was six when he realised why his father never treats him the same way as his sister. He was seven when he realised why he was the illegitimate Prince and what that even means. At seven many things started to make sense to him, Why he was neglected, why he was treated like a stranger by his own father.

Taehyung lived a life full of unjustice before he could even cross ten years. He was just a boy that was pushed into this life of wanting to always have someone tell him he's not as worthless as they all made him feel like. He was just a young boy when he lost his mother. His beautiful mother, her eyes filled with only love for him. The hair pats, the forehead kisses and the lullabies at the nights he couldn't sleep, his mother was the only person that made him feel human. Love, care and kindness was all his mother was about. She was as they say, too good for the world. When she died, Taehyung's world shattered but there was a small part of him that was glad that at least she is free from this torment. A world that doesn't appreciate her kindness.

"Suck it up!! you are a man and men don't cry like little girls. I didn't raise such a coward to be my son." his father said after slapping him across the face for crying at his mother's funeral.

It was something he found funny. 'Raise', how his father used that word because that was one thing he never did. He never raised him, his mother did and after she died, it was the servants of the Palace. His father treated him like dirt on the bottom of his shoe knowingly and he wanted to talk about being a father, there was not one day in Taehyung's life where he saw him as a father instead of the King.

To 'toughen' him up, his father increased his training time, lowered his portion sizes. The neglect was tolerable but the abuse wasn't. One mistake and he would be punished. Sometimes there was no dinner, other times he was locked in a small room with no source of light for entire day. After all this torment, the King felt no pity. He wanted to turn to someone to comfort but his mother was six feet under and his sister who recently started to treat him like a plague , wanted nothing to do with him anymore.

Anger was quite a constant emotion in his years of puberty, he felt rage flowing through his veins. He blamed everything and everyone for his misfortune. He hated his father for sleeping with his mother and then throwing her away in a corner once he got a son, he hated everyone in the Palace calling him names behind his back, walking on eggshells around him, he hated his sister for being a sister first and then a stranger next second. He hated his mother for leaving him all alone here. He hated himself for never standing up for himself, he hated himself for still being alive. Because what was he still alive for? there was no purpose.

There was a time where he had enough of the abuse, the punishments. He stood on the edge of his balcony, looking down where the ground was hundreds of feet down. If he jumps he would probably break all of his bones and die. Maybe that would be good, that would be better for everyone and him. He didn't even rethink the decision for a split second.

Taking a deep breath in before he decided that this is it. With another step of the edge he felt the thrill of the fall but the fall never happened as someone grabbed his arm and pulled him back into the room.

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