Chapter Eight

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"Why didn't you tell me?" Jeongguk asked his father, sitting up straight in his seat. Facing the King,who took another sip of his tea.

"Tell you what?" His father asked him back.

"About Arothia, you didn't tell me if I were to marry Princess Iseul, I would become the Crown Prince of Arothia too. Why did you hide such big thing from me?"

"I figured you already knew. Everybody knows their Prince can't be the heir to his throne because he was born out of wedlock, a product of an affair, a son of a concubine." The way his father spoke about Taehyung, left such a sour taste in his mouth.

Speaking about Taehyung in such a degrading manner because of things he cannot even control is horrendous for his father. Even if all those things are taken into consideration, he is still the firstborn of the King,half blood or not, he still has royal blood in him. Jeongguk doesn't want someone else's throne.

"Still Father, I feel wrong taking away someone else's throne like this. Conquering a kingdom through war is honoring but conquering one by marrying the princess and pushing away someone from their rightful place is wrong." Jeongguk put his foot down, he saw how his father sighed.

"My son, if I start to care about wrong and right then I wouldn't have been where I am right now. Sometimes you have to take measures like this to achieve something big. Besides, as I said, that throne was never Prince Taehyung's to begin with, you are not taking any one's spot but your own. Don't disappoint me by doing something foolish now. The engagement preparations have started and nothing can be done now." His father looked down from the balcony, seeing the beautiful gardens there with a lake in it.

"So do you want me to just sit and do nothing?"

"No, go out, celebrate and do whatever you want. This is a moment of happiness and good news to Elestial, you made us proud by accepting the arrangement. You are not a kid anymore, Very soon this will all be yours so prepare yourself for that. I heard your cousin, Seokjin, came to visit so do visit him and maybe tag him along with you if you have any plans." The king said to him and Jeongguk just nodded.

"Your majesty, Everyone is gathered in the throne room and are waiting for your presence." The servant said to the King with his head down low.

"The kingdom calls me,Jeongguk-ah. Let's have tea like this again, I want to spend more time with my son while I still can. Let's go." The king got up from his seat, exiting the balcony as all the servants bowed to him while Jeongguk's eyes followed his silhouette.

His physical strength and skills isn't something he has ever doubted. His father is a strong man, he was the hero of Elestial at his peak and Jeongguk has gotten almost all his genes, thankfully. Now he excels in almost everything, it's more with the fact that he was raised like this. Raised to be perfect, there was no other option.

From sparring to swimming, with occasional hunting which he isn't really fond of to Archery which he is a master at, Jeongguk cannot name anything he cannot do when it comes to physical sports and games. This is all because he has been mastering them for decades, even with the excellent genes of his father there were many places he fell out in.

His teen years were hard for him. There was so much pressure for him to be perfect that there would be nights where he would go to sleep all bruised up from practicing the entire day and when he failed,he wouldn't let anyone treat his bruise, to punish himself for falling behind everyone else. It wasn't a great habit but it worked, the more he punished himself, going to bed in his bloodied clothes, the more he improved.

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