The Two Brothers

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In the ancient lands of Egypt  there was two brothers, Anpu and Bata, who lived together and worked on their family farm. They were inseparable and loved each other deeply. Anpu was married to a kind and gentle woman, while Bata remained single.

One day, while the brothers were working in the fields, Anpu's wife made advances towards Bata, trying to seduce him. Shocked and offended, Bata refused her advances and immediately reported the incident to his older brother, Anpu. However, Anpu did not believe his brother and became enraged, accusing Bata of lying.

Fearing for his life, Bata decided to flee from the farm to avoid any further trouble. As he journeyed into the wilderness, he came across a tree,  The tree recognized Bata's pure heart and granted him a magical gift—a talking bull.

With the talking bull's help, Bata became renowned for his strength and wisdom, and he soon found favor with the pharaoh. The pharaoh appointed Bata as his royal advisor, and Bata proved to be wise and just in guiding the kingdom.

Meanwhile, back on the family farm, Anpu's wife continued her deceitful ways, falsely accusing Bata of trying to seduce her. Anpu, still unable to see his wife's treachery, grew angrier and decided to search for Bata, intending to kill him.

As Anpu's search led him closer to the pharaoh's palace, the talking bull warned Bata of the impending danger. Bata, in his love for his brother, devised a plan to save Anpu and reconcile with him. He asked the bull to sacrifice itself and have its heart placed on a tree.

When Anpu finally arrived at the tree, he saw the talking bull's heart and grieved for his lost brother. As he wept, Bata revealed himself and explained the truth about his innocence and his rise to a respected position in the kingdom.

Overwhelmed with remorse, Anpu sought Bata's forgiveness. Bata, with a forgiving heart, embraced his brother, and they were reconciled.

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